Chapter 10: Double Trouble

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What was your reaction to Ammies first kiss?

Haha the video is hilarious! I almost wet myself just watching it!

Ever since Jake and Kira have moved here and I have become their friend, people have been noticing me. It's really weird but I kind of like it. Cole has even paid attention to me.

Even though Jake has been in my life more... for some reason every time Cole looks at me my heart skips a beat and I get really nervous. In fact, in English class the other day Cole wanted to come sit by me. I suddenly was aware of every move I made because I felt like he was staring at me. 

But then with Jacob it's like I don't get nervous anymore. Is this what it's like? After you've kissed someone you just feel like nothing could go wrong?

It has been 5 hours, 23 minutes, and.... 55 seconds since Jake kissed me.

Jacob slipped out the window again after we kissed. I basically floated around all day, Jim pointed it out several times but I shut him in a closet one of the times. He stopped after that.

I really wanted to tell someone though. The only person I could think of was Kira. I thought it might be a little awkward to go up and be like, "Hey guess what? Your brother and I kissed."

I could still feel his soft lips. He was so gentle, it was like he was scared of pressing too hard. When he slipped his tongue into my mouth I thought I would pass out because it felt so good.

I didn't even care, I had to tell Kira. I ran over to her house hoping that  Jacob wouldn't open the door. I mean I kinda wanted to see him but I didn't want him knowing I was gonna tell his sister.

"Kira! Kira!" I didn't even bother knocking, I just walked right in yelling. She came from the kitchen and laughed.


I looked around to make sure no one was watching us before I leaned forward to her ear.

"I had my first kiss!" I giggled.

Jacobs POV

I was laying on my bed remembering Ammies lips against mine when Kira burst through the door.

"What the hell are you doing? You took her first kiss?" She walked over to me and folded her arms, popping a hip in the process.

"Hey, take it easy I just wanted to see how she kissed that was all." This earned me a punch in the arm. That technically wasn't true. Ammie looked gorgeous and I really wanted to kiss her.

"Don't let it happen again." she said venomously before turning and exiting.

Well... I'm definitely going to kiss her again.

Ammies POV

I really don't want to watch the last episode in season two. I really don't. All it does is bring pain and sorrow.

I turned Netflix on and cuddled in a very large, very warm blanket. I grabbed my bowl of popcorn and took a deep breath before I slowly scrolled through the choices before finding what I wanted.

knew this was coming. I did! My eyes started to tear up.

"I guess this is my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler..." and the Doctor was cut off, a tear falling from his eye.

I teared up and sat there, silently sobbing. I suddenly was aware someone was watching me. I jumped out of the blanket, knocking the popcorn kernels everywhere. Jacob started laughing as I picked up as many as I could.

"You know, I really dislike you." I said, turning the TV off.

"No you don't." I studied him a moment before noticing that his eyes were a little red.

"Were you crying?" I snickered as he tried to wipe his eyes clear.

"Nope, no, definitely was not."  He walked to my bed and plopped down.

"Are you secretly a girl?" I jokingly said.

"How did you find out?" he said in a falsetto voice.

"Well, I knew from day one."

"That makes you les because you kissed me." he smiled an evil little smile.

I didn't know what to say so I just simply said the first thing that came to mind.

"Your face." I said and he burst out laughing.

"Oh, good comeback" I stuck my tongue out at him, which, he did in return. 

I walked to my first class again. Cole plonked down in the seat next to me.

"So um... hey" he said. I didn't think he could ever be awkward but it was just radiating off of him.

"Hey." his hair was shorter today, with a few blonde streaks in his chocolaty brown hair. He must have gotten it dyed.

"So... I was--" Cole was cut off my Jacob coming in and sitting on top of me. I yelped, trying to get him off.

Boy did he smell nice...

I heard Cole mutter something under his breath that sounded a lot like "Always the wrong time Jake."

He finally got off, and sat next to me. Then I realized that Cole was on one side and Jake was on the other. I had two hot guys around me and they both were looking at me. I felt very self conscience.

"Hey guys." Jacob finally said. Cole was glaring at Jacob and they had a mini staring contest.

I glanced at Coles cloudy grey eyes, there was just something so attractive about grey eyes. I turned to Jake.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You." he stated, then realized what he said he quickly tried to hide his mistake. "I mean... uh... I wanted to sit by you.." Cole folded his arms and did that 'nose exhale' laugh. 

The teacher walked in the door so I turned to face the front.

"Good Morning, I thought today we would learn about gerunds and--" I stopped paying attention to him because I suddenly had two notes on either side of my desk. The left one was obviously from Jacob because he was the only person sitting to my left. The one on the right side had my name on it and the writing looked like it was from Cole. I opened it first.

I should probably have done this is person but, do you want to go to the movies with me on Friday?

I've never been on a date, but this sounded like a date and since Jake hasn't bothered to ask me yet then maybe I will say yes. I quick scribbled an 'of course' on the back of his note before I opened the left note.

You, me, bowling, Saturday night?

I thought pretty hard for a while before I wrote a yes on Jakes. I mean, what could it hurt if I went out with Cole on Friday and the Jake on Saturday? That's just hanging with a friend. No one will get hurt from this.

I spread both arms out as if I were stretching, but I gave the notes to the boys.

I might get in a little trouble for that...

Okay guys! Another update!

Ohhh Ammies goin on 2 dates! How exciting!


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