Chapter 8 {Return of the four eyes}

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Chapter 8
Return of the four eyes


Step 17: It's about high time you get the F**K over yourself

I roll reluctantly out of bed on the Monday morning that's right four eyes me is going back to school! I jump through the shower and straighten my hair I pull on a cream and black patterned sweater black leggings and a burgundy infinity scarf a pull on some beige ankle boots slinging on my back pack I go on my first mission I slide my glasses on to my nose, and knock on Dallas' door, he grunts and I step in looking at him finally in a month he looks taller and bulkier and I finally realised that in my tantrum how much I had missed he has his back faced away from me and I take my chance and leap like a wild animal on to his back grinning like a maniac
"I'm sorry little bro, I love you so much!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck
"Cassia, you're choking me" he wheezes and I hope down still grinning
"Am I forgiven" I bat my eyelashes innocently and he smiles
"Yes, as long as you give me a ride to school" I grin shoving his back pack at him
"Of course my lovely little brother" I say slinging my arm his shoulders, he laughs as he walk down stairs
"I will be accepting my cars keys back mother" I announce she looks up blinking stunned
"You're, you're up your dressed" she stutters grabbing my keys she passes them to me
"Oh thank god I didn't know what I was going to do if I spent another without seeing you out of that room" she sighed in relief and I grinned
"I'm driving the munchkin to school" I say, and he snorts
"Who are you calling munchkin I'm almost taller then you"
"In your dreams sporto" I mock hoping in the car and he hops in after me I cough at the dust as it flies around attempting to find a new place to land
"I'll give you $20 bucks to clean my car after school" he grins
"Deal!" I drive him to school laughing as I shove him playfully out of the car and I drive to my own school I pull into a car park far away from my old one, and walk confidently into school pushing my glasses back up face as I climb the front steps making a beeline for Jazmin's locker ignoring the whispers as I go
"Attack of the Four eyes: The four eyes return!" I scream jumping on Jazmin's back and holding on like a rodeo star as she struggles to get me off I laugh at her attempts to get me off
"Hello my lovely darling forgiving best friend" I say in my sweetest voice as I hope off her back and hug her it takes her a few seconds before hugging me back
"Of course I am!" she beams
"I missed you so much!" she says staring at me
"You cow you made me hang out with different people and pretend to like them to" I cringe
"I'm so sorry I was being stupid but I'm over it now" I say and she grins
"Whoa whoa whoa, freak show approaching" I turn to see an eyebrow-less Bradley with a beanie jammed on him head covering what hair he had left and Melanie with badly drawn on eyebrows and a hat covering her hair too. And they stormed over like they were on a war path glaring at people who laughed at their horrible appearances, but who could blame them
"You!" Melanie screeched pointing a finger at me her whole body shaking with rage
"Who me?!" I said innocently pretending to look around at the person she was really talking to before innocently fluttering my eyelashes behind my glasses and Jaz smiled wildly
"Yes you four eyes, you did this to us!" Bradley shouts standing closer he pulls of his hat to show pitiful tufts of hair some longer than the others and I smile
"I would never!" I said smirking words dripping in sarcasm
"I saw you, you trapped me inside that room while you and that guy escaped!" I grinned, my act dropping
"You got what you deserved" I say grinning at them
"Come on, Jaz we don't want these weirdoes ruining your school rep" I joked linking my arm with hers and strutting confidently away as they scream at me
"We'll get you back for this you evil-" her voice is drowned out by Jazmin loudly singing Christmas carols, and I laugh joining in as we take the long way round to my locker running into Blake on the way
"Hey" I say quietly as his drop dead smirk makes my heart beat at ten times the normal pace
"Hi" he breathes and our eyes lock intensely staring at one another
"okay what's going on" Jaz says looking frantically between us
"I wanna talk to you" Blake says taking my hand and leading me away I turn back giving Jazmin a wave and she gives me a full blown 'WTF' look and I just shrug unhelpfully making her roll her eyes and glare
"I like you" Blake says huskily and I look at him eyes frantic
"R-really?" I stutter and grins and nods the grin makes my heart stop as he takes my hands in his swinging them gently from side to side
"I really like you" he says again
"And I like pig tails and I'm sorry for saying you're a mental pig and I'm sorry for everything else that followed" I blink at him my glasses making me feel like I'm stuck behind a window
"You remember" I breath and he nods making me grin wildly
"I like you Cassia, a lot"
"Do you like, like me?" I joke smiling at him and he smiles back nodding like a mad man
"I like, like you"
"I like, like you, too" I say and he beams at me like the sun enveloping me in his arms
"I want to take you out, this weekend" he whispers in my ear, we stand alone in the hallway late for class but I forgot to care
"Okay" I say shakily
"Okay." He grins
"Maybe okay will be our always" he whispers
"Aww you've read that one too" he laughs nodding slowly in dive into his chest breathing in his scent of something amazing I can't describe
"We should get to class" he says slowly but drags me out into the car park instead opening the door for me, I grin settling into the vinyl interior.

Step 20: Screw steps 18-19! Fall in love again! (You deserve it!)

|3 month's later|

Blake's warm muscled arms envelope me as I sit practically on his lap watching movies on my couch in the lounge Dallas and my parents away for the weekend I lean into his muscled neck kissing it gently
"Stop" he says as I do it again
"Cassia" he says as I move up to his jaw line
"Stop I'm trying to watch thi-" I seal a kiss on his grinning mouth and he kisses me eagerly, throwing me back on the couch he straddles me and I kick and scream as he starts tickling me mercilessly
"I am trying to watch High school musical number 2 is my favourite" he warns still sitting on me as he starts watching humming along with the songs
"Towels imported Spain-ain-ain" he sings quietly and I burst out laughing wheezing beneath him
"Oh my god you lump you are such a girl" I complain still laughing as he hops off me, picking me up and placing me easily on his lap
"Oh I'm the lump" he teases
"What did you say to me" I say turning at him his face falls
"Nothing, nothing" he buries his face in my neck like he's trying to hide and I laugh
"No go on Blake who's the lump"
"Nothing, nothing, I love you" he says looking at me with a genuine smile
"You can't just say that-" he kisses me gently
"I love you, paper towns" he breaths on my lips
"I love you too, Fan girl" I reply smiling into his kiss my tummy still fluttering eagerly as it did 3 months ago
"And I know oblivion is inevitable, and I love you Cassia Mae" I grin at him
"You are such a fan girl" I tease and he pokes my ribs
"It turns you on" he says cheekily kissing my neck I shove him off
"Fan girl pig, go back to watching you're ten year old movies" I say
"Isn't that when you first loved me though" he grins and I shove him playfully
"Don't talk, movies" I say nestling back into his shoulder.

* * * *

A/N: I know it's short and i know it's pretty rubbish and i'm sorry still not edited but i love you all if you got this far just a tiny epilogue to go

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