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I felt the arm wrap around my torso and I tried to scream out, but someone placed a hand over my mouth. I felt my phone slip out of my hand. I heard someone whisper in my ear with a husky voice.

"Quite moving, Kid." I did not obey. I kept wiggling in his arms, he punched me in the gut and I was short of breath. I started to hear some of the fans scream realizing what was going on. The guards soon realized too and immediately dropped what they were doing. I felt the man holding me shift around a bit and then a lot of screams came, and the guards all froze. The man half dragged, half carried me through the glass door.

"If anyone moves," I felt the barrel of a gun placed on top of my curls, "I will kill him." I started squirming in his arms now terrified of what was going to happen to me.

"Ah, see here is a perfect example of what I just said not to do." The man spoke the crowd. There was a long bang from the gun. And a white how pains surged through my right arm I screamed bloody murder, shit! That hurt! The man who I now noticed was sporting a mask picked me up and carried me through the parting crowd. I cradled my arm, it hurt so bad, I feel bad for all the people who have ever gotten shot. We reached a dark black van and he opened the door and was about to throw me inside when...

"HARRY!" I heard what I knew to be Louis screech.

"Muoiiiiiii!" I responded trying to yell his name through the mans hands.

"Will you shut up!" The guy threw me in the back of the van and placed a large wet rag over my nose and mouth. I knew what it was and not to breath in, but hey a guys gotta breath. My eyes started to droop and I watched as the rest of the boys stand outside the van start to get blurry.

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