Chapter 11

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Hannah’s P.O.V.

(One month later)

I can’t believe it took them an entire month to actually get Harry out of that house but it did, I worked my butt off to get him out of there and now he is at the local hospital. Tanara is in a holding cell at the county police station, the rest of the band was notified and his family, pretty soon the entire world is going to find out that he was found. He is about the size of a two year old. I visited him at the hospital, but they have to do so many tests on him and get the memory pills out of his system that they have to keep him asleep, so its going to take a long time before I can even talk to him again.

Louis P.O.V. 

(About a week later)

They found him they finally found him! We have been waiting for 5 months for this. 

We were driving from the Toronto airport, to the hospital Harry was at, I was so excited to see him, Im really scared, though what if he’s still an infant? What if he’s hurt?

By the time we got to the hospital Harry’s family was already there in the waiting room.

“Hi guys!” Gemma greeted us. Ann simply ran over and hugged all of us so tightly.

“Im so glad they found him” She said, tears in her eyes.

“Me too,” I responded.

A nurse walked in and introduced herself as Jennie, 

“So Harry has been responding very well to all of the medication we have given him, and we have gotten a lot of information from the girl who found him. We still have a lot of tests to run though, and we probably wont take him off of any sleep medication for about a week.” I took a deep breath, so I still wont be able to talk to him for a week, thats gonna be rough.

“Now here is what we have figured out, Harry was put on a special kind of medication for a long time, when he was held hostage, that was taking away his memory, the good thing is we have found a way to go back and uncover all of his memories again. Its going to take a while to get them all back again though. So he will be 18 year old boy in his mind, but his body, is about the size of a two year olds.”

Ann started to cry,

“But he is still growing, Hannah the girl who found him told us all about it, she took care of Harry for a week, which was when she found out who he really was. Harry grows a year in about three months, he has extremely painful growth spurts that are so drastic you can actually see him growing, he hasn’t had one here yet, but we never know when one is coming and they last about a half an hour. It also seems as if any injuries he received during during his stay with Tanara were erased when he was shrunk, were not quite sure how to respond to that, but we should all be happy, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong. Thats all we know right now, so if you want to come and see him, he’s in one of our nicer more long-term rooms up on the top floor room 502.”

“Thank you for everything,” Robin said.

“Its no problem,”

We reached the elevator and pressed button number 5, it was silent in the elevator, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. We got up to Harry’s room and the nurse was right, it was the nicest hospital room I had ever seen. There was a bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink, there was a little living room area with a TV, coffee table and two couches. One of which was occupied by a girl who looked about 15 and was surrounded by papers, textbooks, pencils and binders, she had her headphones in and was singing aloud, she hadn’t noticed that we had walked in yet.

“Oh, baby, baby, don't you know you got what I need

Looking so good from your head to your feet

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