Chapter 7

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Thank you guys soooooo much for that, I love going and looking at my stry and it havein 1k on it.  It feels great. 



Harry’s P.O.V. 

(One month later)


I felt small, my entire body hurt, and I could barely move. I looked at my fingers, they were tiny! They looked like little baby carrots. I looked around the room, it was still my bedroom, with the baby blue walls, and everything was my size! 

I tried to sit up, I couldn’t find the strength. I felt like I couldn’t do any thing. 

The door opened and I girl walked in, I feel like I know her from somewhere.

“Hi Harry, its me Mommy.” I smiled I knew who she was now, she looked different though.

Her hair was a golden brown and she had emerald eyes. 

“I look different, don’t I?”

I tried to nod my head, but I couldn’t.

“I thought since you changed, I would change too! Come on lets go look in the mirror together!”

 She picked me up really easily and carried me on her hip to the bathroom. When I saw myself in the mirror, I started to cry. I put my head, In the crook of her shoulder and cried. I looked like I did when I was infant, I was tiny!

She carried me over to the rocking chair and hugged me, and rubbed my back.

“It’s Ok, there there. You will grow up again one day, and you turn into the brightest and happiest boy the world has ever known!” I looked up at her not believing what she said. 

“Do you want a bottle?” I couldn’t nod, so I just looked at her. She handed me a bottle off of the little table and continued to talk while I suckled on it. 

“This is going to make it easier for me Harry and you too! You can grow up again and learn things all over again. It will be really fun, trust me you’ll love it. Do you want to see our new house, we live in Canada now, we had to move for you to get small again and plus I like this house better.”

She took me on a tour of the house pointing out my highchair that was now in the kitchen and my play pen that was in the living room. The house was really warm and cozy, it was old fashioned and not all modern like her old house. I liked, it I could get used to it.


Harry’s P.O.V.

(One month later) 

I was starting to really like the life I was living, Mommy was really nice to me, and we would go on walks with me in a stroller. She dropped me off at a daycare, when she had to go to school. My name was still Harry but it was changed to Harry James Charlotte. The same last name as my Mommy’s.

 I had discovered that I can now kick my legs apart and nod my head, which made it a lot easier for Mommy to know what I want.

I didn’t really miss my old life, I really like Mommy, I had missed seeing my old mom all of the time when I had to work. And I know the other boys had too. But my new mommy is always there for me. My old life had been so stressful, there was always a schedule, all day everyday there was something I had to do. I don’t miss the screaming or the travel or the hate, I don’t miss not having any privacy. I love the fact that Mommy and I can go on a walk, and I don’t get crowded by my fans.

I do miss the boys a little though, but I barely have any time to think about them, I cant even remember any of there middle names! 

    Im sooooooo sorry that this is so short but I had a really busy week with two vollyball games, three practices, and a tournament yeasterday, don't forget homework, and on top of all of that, I have been fighting a cold all week. So don't get too mad at me. Please tell me your Ideas and predictions, and maybe you'll find your idea in my story!!! I love it when you guys comment, and only one person is commenting, so I need 10 comments, on this chapter, (only two per person) An then Ill update, and I promise the next chapter, will be over 3 pages long.     Love you guys! Wylieeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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