Chapter 6 part 2 (sneak peek)

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Hi guys heres a little sneak peek at chapter 6, part two. The rest of the chapter after this is going to be completely in Harrys P.O.V (and maybe a little of  Tanara's) Before I post the next part Im going to ask that you get my story to 825 reads, do whatever you have to, but trust me your going to love the next chapter! and this one!

Zayn's P.O.V.

I couldn’t believe all of the things that happened to Harry. We were all sitting in the living room of the house now waiting for Simon to finish talking with the detective, police, and the press. I starred at the TV in front of me when all of a sudden it turned on.

“Guys, guys look!” I said pointing at the TV. It was Tanara and Harry. Tanara was carrying Harry around on her hip as if he weighed nothing, which by the looks of him he probably did. She sat down on the rocking chair, set Harry on her lap, and gave him a bottle.

“Drink up I have a few things to tell you.”

I watched Harry go for the bottle, he sucked a little, and then his face brightened and he began to suck even harder trying to get more out.

“First thing is we have a new rule, rule number 7 is you are not allowed to walk, I am warning you on this one, because the punishment is very severe. You are not allowed to crawl or role anywhere and if I put you on the ground you either have to lie on your back on sit with your legs out in front of you.” 

Harry looked up at her as if this wasn’t anything that surprised him, and continued to suck on his bottle.

“Second is when you are drinking out of a bottle you will suckle on it, not suck forcefully.” Harry immediately switched to suckling it.

“Third is I want you to know that I love you very very much, and everything I am doing to you is because I love you and I want to you to be as safe as possible. You need to forget about your old life this is your life now, isn’t it relaxing? I bet there was a lot going on all time in your old life, wasn’t there?” Harry to my shock, nodded in agreement and I watched him visibly relax in her arms.

“A lot of people making stuff up and asking you questions? No privacy at all and an endless amount of screaming and travel?” Harry nodded vigorously. 

“I bet your friends aren’t even looking for you Harry. I mean, they would have found you by now.”

“WHAT!” I screamed to the open room.

“Shush, Zayn, were trying to listen”

“Do you agree?”

Don’t you dare nod your head Harry don’t you dare, I thought in my mind.

He nodded his head, Shit how can he think that, that wretched bitch must have brain washed him.

“Well your here now and you wont have to go through that ever again.” She rubbed his thigh, and he didn’t squirm, he relaxed. “I love you Harry, mommy loves you, and wont ever let you have to go through that again. Why don’t you go to sleep early today, you seem really tired, and we have a big day tomorrow.” She lifted him on her hip and brought him over to the crib she laid him down and put a pair of big fluffy socks on his feet and rubbed them. She put my blanket over him and his binky in his mouth and kissed his forehead.

“Good night darling, Mommy loves you.”

Harry grabbed the teddy bear that she had put in the crib and snuggled with it. The screen went blank and the DVD slid out. Liam ran up and grabbed it.

“Oh my god” I said leaning against the couch. She turned him into a baby, and he’s actually going along with it!

Ok so I need to ask you, is the whole diaper, and baby thing too weird? Please let me know, and tell me any Ideas, thoughts predictions in the comment, I love to here what you have to say, and I also need a new cover, so if anyones up for that let me know! remember 825 reads, before he rest goes up! 

love you,


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