chapter 2

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I woke up to a searing pain in my arm and almost complete darkness. I blinked my and took in my surroundings. I was in a small square cement room with three tiny windows and two wooden doors. The part that really scared me was the chains on the walls and the hooks on the ceilings. I started to freak out, I didn't know where I was, what was going to happen to me? I tried to sit myself up but I crippled from the pain of my arm. I lay down on the cold floor strangely exhausted from the effort.

I tried again more slowly this time. I scooted myself over to the wall and pushed myself up, I walked slowly along the wall over to the first door, only to find it locked. I tried the second to door and it clicked open to reveal a small bathroom with just a sink, mirror and toilet. I looked up in the mirror and jumped back a little, scared from what I saw. I have never looked this bad in my whole life. My hair was matted down with dirt, my face had smudges all over it along with my arms.

My right arm was just a nightmare, it was swollen and covered in blood, it was a purplish, greenish ombre color and it look completely infected. I really had to fix this before I got blood poisoning. I walked up to the sink and washed up my face and hair. Then I assessed my right arm. I took off my jacket and t-shirt and first just washed it off, just to get the dirt out, then I tried to get the bullet out with my fingers, but that didn't work and I almost passed out from nausea. I poked around in the cupboard under the sink only to find toilet paper and soap. Then I discovered that the mirror opened up to reveal shelfs. I found some tweezers and pried out the bullet. Drawing a lot more blood and dropping it in the garbage. I washed off all of the blood and sprayed my arm with disinfectant, but I couldn't find a bandage. I pulled back on my shirt and jacket. (and I don't think a bullet comes out that easily, but just go with It)

I wondered for the first time why this guy left all of this stuff in here. Maybe he didn't know it was in here. I went back into the the creepy cement room, and looked out the window there was nothing in sight for miles except for trees grass and a street. Hang on the road looked different the lines were all... Bloody hell! I was in America! Oh my god i'm never going to get back!

Just then the door opened and I spun around. I was still a little dizzy from the bullet extraction apparently because I toppled over. A girl came up to me a was surprised how many people does this guy just take? She looked about thirteen or fourteen years old and had bright blonde hair and blue-grey eyes that I hated to say, but looked a lot like Niall's. The girl was decked out in complete pink, nothing but pink.

"Quick, don't help me, get out of here before he finds y-"

"Sorry," She said in a snooty southern accent "I wasn't planning on leaving, but your coming with me."

I was taken aback. This girl was only, like, 13 or something.

"Look," I said trying to reason with her "I'll give you an autograph if you help me out of here."

"Ugh, newbies" she groaned

"Wha-" Then she jammed her fist into my stomach pushing out all of the air. I started hacking. And she just dragged me out of the room. Who is this girl?

She pulled me across the hall, so I guess were in a house, into a room that was so pink it took time for my eyes to adjust. She lifted me up into a chair, jeez, this girl had muscle. I realized soon enough that the chair had cuffs on the arms and legs. She cuffed me in and then got out a huge roll of pink polka-dotted duct and slapped a piece on my mouth.

"Now here's what were going to do, we are going to be making a video ok? Just to let everyone back home your OK." But I'm not OK I thought furiously. She set up a pink camera, god, all this girl owned was pink, and clicked the recored button. She stepped in front of me and began talking. "Hi, guys, first off I just want to say i'm a huge fan." WHAT! No fan would have had someone kidnap me! "Well obviously Harry, here is my favorite" she said gesturing to me. "Now what I normally do with my visitors, is take away something that is very dear to them." She said in a sappy voice. "Like a really good friend or a family member. Now I have watched all of the videos about you so my first thought was simple, I'll just kill Louis off," I started shaking wildly in my chair. "Oh, don't worry Harry-boo every things going to be alright" she said in a mommy, voice looking at me. Then she turned back to the camera. "but then I thought wait that might make the other boys feel bad that they weren't as special to him." This girl is insane, she should be in a mental hospital. "So then I thought I would just kill the entire band yano? But then I was like wait that'll be really hard and I don't have a place for that many bodies." Ugh, she is so sick. "So I decided to think of something else." Please not my family, please not my family. I prayed silently "So I decided to take away his hair!" WHAT! Ok, rewind. WHAT! NOOOOOO! not the curls, please anything but the curls! Ok I didn't mean that literally. "In all of the video diary's you guys were always talking about his hair, and how it made him so different. So I'm gonna shave his head, and you all get to watch! Eeeeek! This is sooooo exciting, aren't you excited Harry! Aren't you excited" She asked me in a baby voice. I shook my head furiously, glaring at her. "Oh don't worry it will be over before you know it and maybe afterwards I'll give you a lolly! Would you like that Harry! Wouldjya?" I felt like some kind of little boy going in for his first haircut. And sadly I think that was her intention. She picked up one of those poncho things that go around you neck. Except this one had little rubber duckies printed all over it. And put it around my neck a little too tight and it blocked my air way a little. She then clicked on the razor and the torment began.

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