The purebloods

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Note: this is now in point of view of Syrenne and how she sees life. I'm doing this because you can see what she thinks a lot better then being god and tell the story from my point of view. Also I thought maybe it would be nice not to stay in the same format to hole time. :) hope you like it :D

For Casting i choose Nina from the vampire diaries to play Syrenne


Chapter 2

He's cold hand against mine was comforting but to find out that I had another sister was a little nerve recking. It wasn't possible how could it be? But it was easy to tell we where related when he walking In the room. We where almost identical to each other. The only two real difference was her eyes was an icy blue and mine a ocean blue, when I wasn't hungry also her hair was a silver.

In fear I glazed at Simon who was making a retarded race and under his breath he managed to say "let go."

I whispered back "sorry" then let go. He smiled then walked over to my some what sister. "How have you been Elizabeth?"

"Great thank you, so this must be Syrenne right?"

"Come over here Syrenne and meet your sister."

So I did what I was told for the first time in my life but onlybecause my brother had asked me to if anyone else told meto do something i'd proboble tell them to go put a stick up thier ass. But that wasnt the point , I wanted to see her up close I couldnt belive how alike we where.

Simon leand close to my ear and wisperd "you going to say something?" i just looked him in the eyes with a look like, the fuck you mad? but he just laughed but his face went completly straight after two seconds. "You two can have sometime to talk to each other, i have to go deal with something. Goodbye" then he was off like always never taking his time.

"So Syrenne, do you know why u where asked to go to school?"

"Because I'm a unstable murder?"but of course I said it sarcastically.

" we'll talk about that later, but yes and no. It's so I can keep on eye on you."

Wait did she just say keep a eye on me. like just one eye, ah she's kind of creepy.

"We'll sense that's out of the way why don't we get you into some new clothes."she said whispering. She then grabbed me by the wrist and haled me away from where I was standing not 2 seconds ago. But because my sisters a vampire I had ended up on the other side of the school. " here we go" said Elizabeth giggling, then she pointed to a old wardrobe with gold hinges. There was also a heart shaped lock on the Wardrobe. She walked over to it then Haled a heart shaped key out her bra. Like what the fuck, where was the room in the corset for her to have a key. Good I hated her Victorian dress it was just to complicated for me.

So I started to leave the dusty old room until a child like hand tightly griped onto fingers." Where are you going." The voice was so strange so I whipped my head around but there was no one there. Only my sister who was still by the wardrobe picking out dresses. Man did she ever rot my soul, I could fucking kill her!

"Syrenne, I hope your not talking about me." She swiftly came toward me with a piercing eye twitch. " I'll forgive you for now, you most have you reasons. Oh, and we still need to pick your dress out!"

Three words crossed my mind 'your fucking kidding me' okay well four words but who cares. Anyways she strolled back over to the wardrobe sticking her pointy noise in threw the doors. At one point she looked feed up after haling dresses in and out of the wardrobe so she haled out one lasts one. It was completely black with black puffy sleeves that went to a straight sleeves. The dress it's self was very Victorian just like Elizabeth. The caller of the dress was a turtle neck with matching black lace. Lace was plastered on both sleeve holes and placed on the bottom if the dress. The lace also stretched up and down the dress and honestly it looked as if the mid evil princess came back from the dead and threw up on it. It was the most horrific disaster I had ever laid eyes on.

In twenty seconds Elizabeth was gone and so was the dress. She wasn't going to make me wear it is she... Oh I hope not!

"M" called out a very Familiar voice. " can I come in?" I new it, it had to be Simon. maybe he came to save me from the lunatic although I can't say much.

"Come In" I smiled so brightly, it was like I never seen him sense the day mom died but never mind that. He walked in, looking even more dapper then before... Was that even possible? No it wasn't! But yet again something had changed about him something unusual. Then it hit me. He had killed again, he promised when we where kids he wouldn't. know one can holed a promise, not even him. In a low bitter voice the words "I'm sorry" was spotted out of his cold dry lips. How could I forgive someone who can't hold a promise! Wait, even I can't holed up a promise, can I?

knowing i was no better i forgave him " it's alright, I forgive you." I said upset but it was no different from every time he forgave me. he stepped closer to me, stumbling as he took his first step not noticing what or who had just appeared behind him. "

Elizabeth!" her face lost the excitement when she entered the room and from the slip of her fingers the o

nce ugly victorian dress slipped from her fingers as she clutched her sides. at this point i had given up, i thought i was the one who had not control over my actions. being as pissed of as i was

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