A new beginning?!?!

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"Elizabeth..." How on earth did she know how to find me?my left hand flows over my hair tucking it back behind my ear.

Elizabeth's slowly struts toward me. "You know what you've done is against the law right?" She asks her voice trying to be reassuring.

My hand goes over my lips whipping the blood clean off. My sister came forward her hand grazing over my shoulder. "Time to go home."

"Home? Is there really a place called home Elizabeth? I ask because I have never had one! I was sent all over the world! For fuck sakes tell me where home is!"

She took a step back, from this point forward me and her would never be sisters again. Id rather die or Merry a wolf then ever be family with her. I looked around the bodies that belonged to inisent human lay streched across the ground, I turn my back and head off. I was finally learning what life had instore for me...

I walked across warewolf territory the smell of fresh meat just around the corner. somewhere around here has to have a dinner...Right? Buildings lined across in rows, there was a bolling ally, Forever21, Claries,Pizza place, and outdoor theater. of corse i walked to the pizza place, the smell alarming. Hints of dogs every where, if i didnt acked fast id be dog food. A unwanted vampire like me wasnt excepted in a wolf town. I swing the doors of the pizza place open, the smell of dogs mwas even worse inside. My heart began to flutter, how is that even possible, like really? The fuck? this was no ordinary pizza plaza, wolfs had ingaging activites that where unberible to even look at. Lets just say they where doing more then makeing out.

I walk up to the young male wolf behind the counter. He looks to be only fiveteen years old, he obviously a didnt know what i was. "how can i help?"

"ill have a plane pepperony pizza with a diet pepzi, please." he noods and places my order. Theres plenty of wolfes here but non seem to notice me or the smell the sent of death and decided probleby shouldnt mess with me. what ever the case may be I really don't care and its working out in my facer.

what seemed like ten minutes which could have been five, the boy came out with my pizza.

"that will be 5.75?he looked up a seen the grin on my face. He backed away a little " A vampire..." he wispered

i just looked at him very querely "yes im a vampire...and your a werwolf. nice to meet you-" i was cut of by some jack ass.

"is this vampire giving you any trubble?" he shuck his head "seems the kid has taken a likening to you. To bad our a vampire in warwolf town."

i place m xy hand on the counter "for your information im here on business, and its personal i cant tell you why. " he just glared at me. I give the man credit he was sexy. He had a movie star completion and a sexy smile. He wasn't wearing a uniform like the little kid in front of me. He's wearing blue jeans and a black V neck.

I could feel my heat ack. Wait? What's this feeling? I looked at him "what did you do to me!" I backed off, stepping back words. I turn around I face the exit, all eyes on us meaning the make out sessions ended. something wasn't right, why do I feel strange.

He turned yelling back at effort I stormed out of the building but it was to late I ya already left.

Using my superb speed I rushed to the closest beach to be alone. The sun was going down and I have no idea were to go. Maybe going back home to Elizabeth wasn't a bad idea at least I wouldn't be alone.

The ocean looks wonderful under the moon light I can't ask for better. As I blink my eyes a watery sensations takes over. I place my hands over my eyes whipping away the tears. I guess vampires can cry.

"Are you crying?" Asked in unknown species. I look up... I think it's the man from earlier!

"How did you find me?!" I push me self up. " this is your fault! I was fine before i seen you!"

He comes further " were mates you know, you can't run away from me. Your heart as chosen to belong to me."

Who the hell is this man?! And i am not his mate! Vampires don't have feelings!
Am I a disgrace to vampires?...


Sorry for taking so long! I'll be honest I lost interest in the story but I will finish it! Promise Syrenne will go back to being a murder and loss her feelings.

Also some new characters! I hope enjoy !!! Vomment please

Wait, did you think this chapter was over? Nope! :p


"Let's get this strait! I am not your mate I'm a vampire! This isn't some romance novel get lost!" I scream furiously. Oh how he had made my blood boil!

I gotta get out of here pronto! I won't have this pants pisser get to me.


Yay haha I hope you all enjoyed it! I'll update soon :*

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