Chapter fifteen

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Boyd, Isaac and Bryce walked through the giant doors of the loft

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Boyd, Isaac and Bryce walked through the giant doors of the loft. Bryce looked around and spotted Derek sitting on the top of the spiral stairs.

"Derek, you're not dead how fun." She smiled and plopped down on the couch.

"Go back to school." He called out from above them.

"We can't Boyd, Bryce and I are all unbelievably sick." Isaac responded.

"With what brain damage?" Derek said very unamused.

"Well I have a migraine and Boyd here has explosive diarrhoea." He said pointing to himself and Boyd.

"And what's up with you?" Derek turned his head to the girl on the couch.

"I'm at a funeral, poor grandma Joan." Bryce looked up.

"Do you even know your grandmother?" Derek asked.

"No, don't even know if she's dead or not." Bryce said picking at her nails.

"We're here to protect you." Boyd stated putting his bag on the floor.

"You're here to protect me? Well I'm in trouble then." He said walking over to them.

"Well, actually Boyd here came up with a plan." Isaac pointed to Boyd while flipping through a book.

"I thought back to the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing currents through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that, but on a bigger scale." He held up wire and looked up at Derek.

"Yeah and since you know I have this." She said making a ball of electricity in her hands. "I thought that could come in handy." She said following them to the garden hose.

Boyd turned the water on and started filling the place up while explaining to them. "In a pool of electrified water it can take up to 50 miliamps to kill a normal human, thats less than the power it takes to turn on a lightbulb."

"That's comforting." Derek commented and Bryce chuckled.

"At first I thought Bryce would be able to do it but then I realised she could drain herself by doing so and die so this is plan B. If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming. So anyone who steps in here will get a pretty shocking surprise." He smiled proudly.

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac added as Bryce smiled even more.

They waited until the loft was covered in a lair of water then Boyd threw the wire in the water.

"Is this gonna kill him?" Isaac said pointing to the wire.

"I hope so." Boyd said crouched down.

They sat around waiting for what felt like hours. "And how do we know they're planning on attacking tonight?" Bryce asked looking at Derek.

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