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Jhanvi's POV
We walked out of the house silently. There was a park nearby and I decided to go there. I love the silence and watch those annoying kids slip and fall. Babies are cute. But when they reach the toddler stage, they can be bratty and annoying.
It was cold outside and the sun was already set. With little traces of light, the night was about to set. The fog settled down the ground and the temperature turned chill.
"So...." Aaryan tried to start the conversation.
"NO." I snapped. I enjoy the silence and I hope he understands that.
"No what?" He looked puzzled.
"Please don't attempt your hands in Small talks.. I'm not in the mood to indulge in it." I walked a bit faster now. Aaryan had to hop faster to catch up with me.
"The offer was Walk and Talk though...." He added slowly.
"And I changed the terms for the offer."
"So why am I even here now?" He whined.
"I was feeling bored and decided to prank you." I replied. He harrumphed but surprisingly didn't bother to go back. He walked by my side in a companionable silence. I couldn't help but steal some glances. He was taller than me, a notch taller than the average height of men. He was muscular and had floppy hair. He could have been a heartthrob in university. But the glasses have an effect on me. The hot nerd vibes were overpowering.
I appreciated the silence as we entered the park. Aaryan didn't attempt to make any conversation further as we sat on the bench silently.
I looked at the message and it was from Amruta.
Rahul been looking for you. Wanted to take you out for a coffee. Reconnecting, he said. I slammed the door on his face! ✨
I groaned loudly and tucked the phone inside my pocket. Aaryan looked at me, question on his face.
"He-who-shall-not-be-named is looking for me."
"He wants to reconnect with me apparently and wants to take me out for coffee." I explained. My tone didn't hide my frustration at all. I rubbed my palms vigorously on my face, trying to relieve some tension from the body.
"You're my girlfriend. Fake or not. Atleast for the next two weeks. If that Chimp wants to make a move on you, he has to face me."
"Excuse me? I can stand up for myself. I don't need a tall, sexy hunk to be my knight in shining armour and save me." I regretted the moment the words left my mouth.
"So you think I'm tall and Sexy?" He asked with a cheeky grin.
"These are mere observations. Don't let this feed your ego." I reminded him. The last thing I needed was for him to rub it on my face.
"Yea. Observations. Thank you for observing me princess." He raised his hands on surrender.
"Princess Elsa." He reminded.
"Oh." I Just nodded. The awkward silence fell again. I noticed people started leaving the park as darkness fell. The bright street lights were glittering across, lighting the entire area.
"You ever played in swing?"
"There's this phase called toddler stage. Everyone in their life must cross them. In that stage, babies like to play. Puzzles to colours. Which includes going to the park and playing in the swing." I replied.

Boyfriend For Hire!
Roman d'amourJhanvi wasn't the same person as she was five years ago. Being cheated by that one person who you thought was your soulmate... sucks! She packed her bags and left home to escape from painful reminders and pity looks. She Built a new life of her own...