Chapter 14

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'If he thinks this is over just because we left he can think again! I will not rest until this is thoroughly looked into and I have an answer; I wanna' know who the fuck tampered with your gear!' Cal was pacing back and forth in our bedroom back at the cabin, yelling and cursing at me but it was actually just him yapping to himself. I was nodding and agreeing when appropriate as I lay on my side on our bed with a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel pressed firmly against my butt. 'If he doesn't come back to me with an answer by tomorrow, I will go right back down there!'

'Cal, I'm fine!' I groaned. 'I'm over it!'

He turned to me so quickly I thought he'd get whiplash and he glared at me like I'd just told him I'd pissed in his cereal. 'Bethan, do you not understand the severity of this? Someone tampered with your equipment! Someone wanted you to get seriously hurt!'

'Yeah, that someone being Felix!' I cried, finally saying out loud what I'd been thinking the whole time.

He continued to stare at me, clarity dawning on his face as the thought settled in his mind. 'Felix?'

'That seriously didn't cross your mind?' I questioned. 'He fucking despises me and when we left there earlier he was grinning at me from his car like it was fucking Christmas morning!'

The redness began to spread on his face and he swiped at his mouth with his hand. 'Surely he wouldn't be so stupid...'

'He's an asshole!' I exclaimed. 'He wants payback!'

'I'm gonna' fucking kill him.' He bolted from the room so fast, throwing the door back and it hit the wall with a bang so hard it shook the whole room.

'Cal, stop!' I rolled over on the bed, cursing at the searing pain in my ass as I climbed up onto my feet and ran after him. The pain was like no other but I had to stop him making a huge mistake. As I made it into the hallway, Georgie and Penny ran out to see what all of the commotion was. 'Cal is gonna' fucking murder Felix! Go stop him!'

They bolted down the stairs, followed by Tori and Sadie running from their room clearly hearing my cries.

I hobbled down the stairs, the shouting already happening as I reached the bottom.

'You'd better admit it to my fucking face right now, Fender!' Cal spat. 'I know you fucked with that equipment!'

Felix yelled back. 'I didn't touch a fucking thing, Lakey, now get the fuck out of my face.'

'Cal, please don't do this,' Sarah pleaded. 'He wouldn't do that.'

I finally made it to the lounge area where everyone was gathered around Felix and Cal who were face to face.

'Cal, listen to me!' I barked, trying to stop him from doing something stupid. 'He's not worth it!'

'I know you did it,' Cal hissed, shoving Felix hard so he stumbled back. 'I'm not fucking letting this go.'

Felix hurried back towards him and shoved him harder. 'You wanna' go, let's fucking go, Lakey because I didn't do shit to your bitch of a girlfriend!'

Cal threw the first punch, sending Felix tumbling onto the sofa. Sarah screamed and Charlie dove forward, stationing himself in front of Cal. 'That's enough, buddy.'

'It's not enough!' Cal snapped. 'I wanna' hear him say it. You wanna' fuck with my girl and lie to my face about it, huh? I will stand here all fucking day until you stop being a pussy and admit what you've done.'

Sarah moved away from where she was checking on Felix and stepped towards Cal. 'You might have your differences but I know my boyfriend. He would never put someone in danger like that!'

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