Chapter 1

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Kensi POV

"DEEKS!!" I yelled from the top  of my longue.I am going to kill him.

"Deeks!!" I yelled again.No answer.I stormed out of the bedroom into the kitchen.Seeks was there eating his breakfast. Oh how nice.NOT!

"Deeks." I said angrily.He looked up to me.

"Kensi" he mimicked me.I glare at him.     "What happened?Is everything okey?" he asked.Now he's being polite..

"No Deeks.Everything's not okey and you know it." I said angrily opening the fridge and taking puding.

"I have  no idea what are you talking about." he said innocently. If only...

"Deeks!!" he rolled his eyes.    "What?"

"Where are they?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Where are what?"he continue eating.I sigh and walked over to him.I sat on his lap and look at him with smile on my face



"You're so sexy" I said blowing air in his ear.He shiver.

"And you know what?"


"You have nice booty" I kissed along his jaw.   "And nice biceps" kiss   "and cute nose" kiss   "and you're amazing" I kissed his cheek and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know." Wow,he doesn't have big ego at all.

I smiled and look at his eyes.I shifted myself and he groaned. I realize why and lean closer to him.He took deep  breath and watched me while I brush his lips,making my way to his ear.

"If you don't give them back this moment, I'm going home tonight.And tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that." I said and got up from him and walked back to eating my pudding.

Suddenly my phone rang and I answer knowing who's calling.

"Yes Eric?"

"Kensi.Hetty wants you here immediately." he said through phone.

"I'll be there soon" I was about to hung up when   "Wait Kensi!" Eric said.


"Do you know where's Deeks? He's not picking his phone." I look at Deeks who had guilty expression on his face.He  can hear Eric too,I put him on speakerphone.

"Uh,yeah..He's at,umm..I'll get him,we'll be there soon." I said glaring at Deeks.

"Okey,just hurry up.Its important." he said and I can swear I hears Hetty telling him something but I don't know what. I didn't bother to respond, just hung up.

"Deeks!" I was furious.

"Sorry,I didn't heard it.How could I with you on  me?" he raised an eyebrow with a smirk.I shook my head.

"Give them back and put some clothes on.We're going in 5." I said before storming into the bedroom again.

I went through his drawers when suddenly someone cleared his throat.

I turn around and saw Deeks holding something red,leaning at the door frame.My eyes grew wider when I realize what's he holding and I rushed to him and grab them them.That made him chuckle and I punched him in the arm.

"Jerk." I said putting normal clothes on.It took me 2 or 3 minutes to finish what I had to do.

"Deeks,we're going!" I yelled from the hallway.He came running looking like a mess.

"You had to do your hair first,didn't you?" I asked seeing as he isn't fully clothes but his hair is perfect.

"No,this is styled by pillow.I didn't know what shirt to choose." he pulled shirt over his head and tugged it to be straight.
He took  donut and I sigh..

"You're a pig.Let's go." I said little annoyed.

"Fine.Let's go." he left the apartment before I could say anything. I smiled and walled after him.



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