reads to God (@scriblodeau)

80 13 12

writer bleeds

writer reads

reads ink

reads on stage

stage bright

stage of life

life of thought

life caught

caught to hold

caught between

between pages

between silences

silences are gold

silences stream

stream of words

stream of dreams

dreams teach

dreams reach

reach us here

reach our sphere

sphere of blue

sphere suspended

suspended Word

suspended time

time to experience

time to exist

exist physically

exist consciously

consciously being

consciously present

present here

present now

now blinks

now thinks

thinks through us

thinks us through

through Mind

through blind

blind to source

blind to Spirit

Spirit descends

Spirit calls

calls our name

calls us home

home to heaven

home to God

God is love

God is all



I just found the Blitz poem series on PoetsPub this morning and thought I'd give one a try. It was fun to do, sort of like following a twisting path through the woods, not knowing where you'll come out.

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