The Train Ride

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Today I was the day that I went off to Hogwarts. My family and I were at Kings Cross Station in front of the entrance to platform 9 3/4. We got to Kings Cross Station at 10:45. As we were about to go through to platform 9 3/4 I saw one of the girls from Ollivanders, if I remember correctly her name was Malena, went through. I noticed that my brother was talking to me but I was paying more attention to Malena. Eventually I saw my brother go through the the barrier and soon after I followed him through onto platform 9 3/4. I looked at the shiny red train that would take us to Hogwarts. No matter how many times I went with my adopted parents to say goodbye to my siblings it still amazes me. I was excited to get on the train and actually go. I could only imagine what Hogwarts looks like from the things that my siblings would tell me about it. I wasn't really paying attention so I ended up running into the girl from Ollivanders.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. You're the girl from Ollivanders right?"

"Yeah. Your name is Malena correct?"


"We can sit together on the train if you want."

"Sure that would be fun."

Malena and I got onto the train and found an empty compartment. We started talking and after a few minutes we heard talking outside of our compartment.

The voice said "Hey Bellerose."

We heard a gasp before a very familiar voice say "Draco."

I when I heard his name I said mostly to myself "Oh no."

Malena asked me "What?"

"Do you know who the Malfoys are?"

"No I don't know them."

"To make it short and sweet they are a powerful pure blood family that hate muggleborns and half-bloods."

"Oh" was her only reaction.

We heard the compartment door open and saw Draco and Angel, I believe that was her name.

"Goodbye Draco, love you."

"Love you too, later."

I saw that as Angel walked in she was slightly blushing.

"Hello loves, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course." I say as a I gesture to the seat in front of me.

While Malena says "No." She probably still hasn't forgiven Angel for what happened at Ollivanders.

Angel walked up to Malena and gave a curtesy to her while saying, "Forgive me I was not thinking that day."

Malena said "Whatever" and ignored her.

Angel just silently looked down while sitting down and started looking out of the window.

I tried to ignore the tension but it was getting too thick.

"Soo Angel got any hobbies?" I said breaking the silence.

She saw her eyes try to focus and I could tell she was trying to zone back in.

"Well I do enjoy some good Quidditch every now and then. I enjoy spell casting and potions."

I saw Malena roll her eyes and Angel started to trail off. I guess she saw it too.

Angel leaned forward before saying "Can you guys keep a secret?"


Malena opened her mouth to say something but I nudged her pretty hard and said "She can too."

Angel whispers "My favorite past time is to read muggle novels."

"...Oh." was the only response Malena had

"I'm actually half way through Little Woman right now."

Malena smiled before saying "Oh... cool."

Malena's smile started to fade and the awkward silence came back.

Angel asked us "So what houses do you want to be in?"

I told her "Hufflepuff" and Malena said "Ravenclaw"

I asked her "So what house do you want to be in?"

She responded with "Slytherin."

Okay fair enough. I'm pretty sure that her whole family was in Slytherin.

Angel looked back out the window. Looks like the grudges aren't going away anytime soon.

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