Potions and More Fighting

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I woke up the next morning around 6

"Morning lovely, good sleep?"

I yawned before responding with, "Yeah, when did you get up?"

"5:30, I'm a early riser."

I give her a suspicious look, I think that's was bullshit. I don't believe that for one second.


I then left to go get ready. I left for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair. It took about ten minutes to do everything that I needed to do.

I had just gotten into my uniform when my other two roommates woke up

They both got up and looked at Angel. She glared at them and they ran out of the room to get ready.

"I'm not going to be late because of them," she said bitterly grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

She gestured to the door for me to follow.

I walked behind her until I caught up and came up next to Angel.

We walked in silence all the way until the great hall.

I looked over and saw Melena and another Ravenclaw running to the great hall.

Angel started walking to Malena when she collapsed to the ground and held her head.

"Oh my god! Angel are you alright?" Malena asked franticly running over to her and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine..." She whispered shrugging Malena's hand off of her.

She stood back up. She wobbled a little bit, but quickly regained her balance.

"Are you sure?" I asked worried.

She nodded her head and walked into the great hall. I walked in after and saw her sitting next to Draco. I walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to my brother.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning," I said giving him a smile.

My brother and I talked throughout breakfast. The Hufflepuff prefect handed us our schedules. Potions first, I don't know how I feel about this because of what I've heard about the potions professor. After I finished breakfast, I gave my brother a quick hug before heading off to the potion's classroom with a few other first year Hufflepuffs. As we were walking to potions the other Hufflepuffs were talking about how bad Professor Snape was, according to other students or siblings. We eventually got to the potion's classroom which was in the dungeon. I saw Malena sitting alone so I went over and sat next to her. A few minutes later Angel and Draco came and sat in the seats next to us. We were talking until class was starting and it was obvious that Malena still didn't like Angel, well at least to me it was.

Suddenly the door was slammed open and Professor Snape walked in. I heard hiccuping near me and I turned to see that Angel was hiccuping.

"Is she alright?" Snape questioned as he walked toward them.

She kept hiccuping when Draco spoke up laughing slightly "When she's startled, sometimes she'll start hiccuping,"

I saw that Angel glared at him before hiccuping again.

"Do you have a goblet?" Draco asked still laughing

Snape nodded before he pulled out a goblet from behind his desk and gave it to Draco. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the goblet.


Water poured out of his wand and filled up the goblet. Angel picked up the goblet with a "thank you". After a couple of sips Angel's hiccups stopped. After finishing up the water she handed the goblet back to Professor Snape. He turned and walked back to the chalk board. Professor Snape started to talk. He gave an introduction to the class and picked on Harry. It wasn't right but that doesn't mean that I'm going to help him. After he finished talking he had us make a health potion. He would check it by cutting himself and then drinking the potion to see if it healed.

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