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Here in Silverville not everything is perfect. We don't have too much money, food, or supplies. In Goldville everything is, well, perfect. Their closets are the size of a house here in Silverville. Here in Brass County there is a choosing when you are born. This choosing is based entirely on looks. If you are pretty as a young child, you are placed in Goldville. However, if you are not very pretty you are placed in Silverville. In Silverville nobody is treated well and we are forced to do the hard jobs like cooking, building, and cleaning. There's only one thing worse then living in Silverville, and that is being in a orphanage in Silverville. Orphans here aren't even treated like people. They get whatever food is leftover from the people. Scraps, leftovers, spoiled food and we, I mean they are forced to eat the food no matter what it is. They are forced to do the work not even the people of Silverville are forced to do. Most orphans never get adopted and die before the age of 15. I am one of these people, except my story is a little different then most orphans.

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