Yeah, it was worth it

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I woke up the next morning to find Liam nowhere in sight. I got up quickly from the bed and look at my phone. Apparently Cameron called me 3 last night. I put my phone back on the bed stand and walk into the kitchen to find Liam, who made breakfast. "You didn't have to do that!" I say happily. He made French toast and bacon. I love him already. I sat down at the dinning room table while he sat across from me. I could only eat a piece of bacon until my phone rang (as always.) I try to ignore it as best as I could but Liam just gave me the 'Are you gonna get that?'  look. "Fine." I exhale and get up from my seat. Checking my phone it was Cameron. What a surprise. "Hello?" I answer. "What the hell have you been doing?" he asked me. "More like who have I been doing?" I look at Liam from the hallway. "What!?" he asked really confused. "Nothing, what's so important anyway?" I ask him. "Well, we need you to stitch back into Angus." I roll my eyes. But inside I was excited because I needed to find out what happened. Just then I remember the note. I still had it! I grab the skirt from the floor and take the note out of the pocket. "I'll be there as always." I hang up the phone. I quickly put on some red skinny jeans and a white shirt. I sling my computer bag over my shoulder and put my hair in a ponytail. "Where are you going?" Liam asked me upset. I kiss him. "Its something at work, I'm sorry." I walk out the door. I slip the note into my jeans pocket and get in the car with Camille nowhere to be found. I guess todays talk with Camille will not be in the schedule. I hate to admit it but the whole ride there I kind of miss it. I thought back to last night. I don't know what answer I expected when I asked him. But I think I wished for something more romantic. Whatever, he's hot. Anyway I forgot (again) to time my car ride to work. But I would predict 12 minuets since I left a 10:20. I'm also predicting I will be late to work by 2 minuets. But I'm just predicting here since left at 10:20 and Arrived at 10:32. But that's just simple math, I don't know what 12 minuets feels like. Anyway I arrived down to the ground floor under the Chinese rest rant to find everyone looking at me again.

 Usually when these moments I usually I wander towards Cameron's desk. Which also happens in this case. He stared in to my eyes as soon as I looked at him. I felt like I should have fallen backwards it was so abrasive. "Are you ok?" he asked me concerned. Usually Cameron could never understand what was going on with me. It was like he was looking through m as if I was a window. I try to act that nothing really was wrong. But its hard around Cameron. Even if I hide things very well. "What do you mean?" I reply calmly. "Stretch, why didn't you pick up the phone?" he asked me. I was not going to answer that question truthfully. "I was asleep." I say plainly. "You could pick it up when Liam was the one blowing up your phone." he said with a tone of sass. "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask him. Before things got worse Maggie tapped me on the shoulder. "You may get dressed now, Kirsten." she smiled. I give Cameron a look as I walk to the back. Why did he say that!? That was completely un true...well. Ok, OK, so maybe I don't always answer Cameron. But it's not like I think he's no one. I really don't. I told him this before. I don't think anyone could look at Cameron and say he was no one. He was different. And now that I look at what I'm thinking I realize, that maybe different is good.

 I get into my Cat woman suit and  walk back into the lab. Again I give Cameron a look. "What the hell did that mean?" I ask him again. "We can talk about this later." he said trying to be calm. I walk over to the tank and climb in. "Alright, last stitch for angus, listen you only have one minuet." Cameron said with a hint of tiredness in voice. "Sub bio?" "Go!" "Engenering?" "go!" "Medical?" "Go." "Hey stretch." "Hi." I say tardy. "Alright Victoria, its on you." he hummed. "Stitch Nero sync in 3,2,1 mark." he told me. Again I awaken to the dorm room. "I think this is when he got shot." I tell Cameron. I was so interested in this case. "Wait, no this isn't any one I've seen before." I tell him. "Ok who's there?" "Umm...two people, Angus and I think his roommate." I reply. Angus gets up from his desk and goes over to his bed. On the other bed was his roommate watching his laptop. "Samuel?"  he asked the guy. Samuel took off his head phones and looked at Angus. "Angus grabbed something from under his pillow." I tell Cameron. "What is it?" My heart sank when I realized what It was. Underneath the pillow was a gun. "Kirsten?" Cameron was getting worried. "Oh no." I whispered. "Can you...kill me?"  he asked Samuel handing the gun to him. Samuel was shocked and afraid. "Why!?" he shouted at Angus. "30 seconds." Cameron told me. "Nononoo!" I tell myself. "Stretch?" "I need to do this before it gets worse." he said calmly. Samuel shook his head. "You have a great life, all the research you've done? For nothing?" he asked. "Yes and I'm counting on you to continue it."  "How can I continue this in jail!?"  "10 seconds!" yelled Cameron. I reach my hand out as If I could grab the gun away but I knew, there was nothing I could do to stop him. "You're right. Angus put the gun to his stomach and shot himself. And with that he died. "5 seconds!" Cameron shouted. "iheartliam." I yell. "I mean, iheartlinus!" I wake from the dream with only one second on the clock. I turn around to Cameron who's face had no expression. Then I see Camille who I finally noticed was there. She just grinned at me. Another example of times I wanted to choke her. Cameron did not look happy. "I'm sorry?" I say in a question form. It was an honest to God mistake. And now Cameron thinks I'm an ass. Then I notice Linus's face which was just pure joy as he stared at Cameron.

I climb out of the tank and think to myself. The whole crew stares at me. I look from Cameron to Maggie. "I need a minuet." I mummer as I speed walk into the meeting room. I got changed out of the suit and back into my regular clothes. But as I walked out of the changing room in the back and into the meeting room, I had to sit down in a chair. I lean on my hand supported by my arm. I didn't want to talk to anyone after what I had just witnessed. So angus killed himself. He killed himself. All because he thought what was going on with him was abnormal. So Samuel took the blame for killing him. Cameron walks into the room. "I'm not really in the mood to talk." I tell him still staring at the table. "You never are stretch." he smiled at me. "What went on in the stitch?" he asked me standing by the door. I say silent. I want to tell him. But it was just one of those things people won't understand unless they saw it. "Kirsten?" he asked again. I pause for a moment until I make un-breaking eye contact with him. If Liam didn't give me the right answer, would Cameron? "Am, I...normal?" I ask him in a calm tone. He paused for a moment too. "Is this because of the stitch?" I shook my head. He didn't understand. "It's my life Cameron. Everyone's...normal and I cant even tell what I'm feeling." I stare at him.  He still looked at me. He wasn't here to talk, he was here to listen. I look back down at the table. "Every day I have a schedule. I wake up, talk to Camille, and go to work. And usually Camille has very long conversations in the car which I do not listen to." I look back at him. That last sentence made him smile.  "And I time that car ride...and usually it ends up being 12 or more minuets. But Cameron, I don't know what 12 minuets feels like." I tap on the table. There was a moment of silence before he took a seat at the end of the table. "Listen, there's no definition for Normal. And no one is normal. SO unless you can tell me what 'normal' is then I will never be able to answer this question correctly." he explained quickly. He was right too. There was no right answer to this question. "But I can try." he smiled at me. "Whatever you think you are, you are not. So if you think you don't fit in, no one does. Everyone is special. Especially you. So if you want to be normal. Forget it. Because I like you just the way you are. Even if you don't know what a second, or a hour feels like. And that's what makes you stretch."

 I guess there was a correct answer.

 Cameron gets up from the table. I get up to. "Wait Cameron." He looks back at me. I walk up to him and hug him. But in the blink of an eye it was over. I put my hands in my pocket. "I never really, got the right answer." I pause and smile. "But I guess you can say that was it." I smirk. He looked down smirking again. God I loved it when he smirked. "Wait I need to show you something." I remember the note. I pull it form the back of my pocket. "Angus wasn't killed, he committed suicide." I say solemnly. I hand the piece of paper to him. He unfolded it carefully and read it. "I haven't read it yet, but I think it was a suicide note." "We got to show this to Maggie." He rush out the doorway. "Wait Cameron." I call him. I turns around. "I think all those letters I was seeing, was the note." I look down. "Then he would be seeing that, you think he actually saw these letters... in, in." I nod my head. We rush down the stairs to greet Maggie. "You need to see this." he hands the paper to Maggie. she takes a moment to read it but then looks from me then to Cameron. "He killed himself?" she asked surprised. "Yes he wanted to do it before the ALS got worse. So when he killed himself Samuel took the blame." I explained. "I'll call fisher." she bit her lip.

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