To protect your heart part 2

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 I put my hands on my hips. We both look up at the stage. It was Jason. "To Emily Sullivan. The best Makeup and fashion tutorial I've ever seen. Sadly she died 2 days ago for unknown reasons. To Emily!" He raises his glass. Me and Cameron look at each other. I see Rebecca behind him. "I would like to say something." she piped. She stepped up to the microphone. "Emily and I were best friends. But the reason she died was from substance poisoning. From this makeup." People gasped. "What did I tell you!?" I whisper to Cameron. "Threes too much Talc in this! Its a poison. SO please return the hand outs!" she yells. I shake my head. "I guess she can tell the future." Cameron admitted. People rushed out the door. Me and Cameron just tried to keep our eye on Rebecca who had ran out the back door with Jason a few yards behind her. We follow them too. outside we see Rebecca go into a door down the alley. Me and Cameron start walking "Ok, I could be way off here but, maybe you don't want to go home because your avoiding Liam." he guesses. That was correct. "What are you my therapist now?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "No but, debating your answer when he purposed...not once have you ever mentioned love so..." I knew what he was about to ask. He stops. "Do you love him?" he asks. I stop too. Why did he pull my strings. I wanted to say no and kiss him. I roll my eyes facing him. I opened my mouth but my eyes were looking behind him. It was Jason. I grab Camerons hand and Lean Against the wall. "What is he doing back?" Cameron asks. Jason walked into where Rebecca just entered. "alright, stay here." I tell him. "What! NO I'm coming with you." he grabs my hands. I look into his eyes. I can't say no. "Alright but call fisher. We walk fast along the way and then open the door to another studio. Jason was strangling Rebecca. Like what she saw before. Me and Cameron rush to her aid. Cameron pushes Jason until he jabs his elbow into Cameron's chest. Where his heart is. I kneel next to Cameron and hold his hand. "Are you ok!" I yell. This would be a nightmare come true if Camron died. "I'm ok." He says getting up. "He tried to kill me!" she yells pointing at Jason. "You stupid gypsy!" he comes lunging at her until I push him back. "I caught her with Gasoline!" he yells. "If I didn't come back she would have torched the place!" he yells. We look at Rebecca. "This was going to be Emily's big night! Until you put that poison in there!" she yelled. "So you were going to burn down a studio?" Cameron asks her. "That leech takes advantage of everyone. He got what was coming to him." she tried catching her breathe. "He killed my best friend!" she sobbed kicking the gasoline over. And then lighting a match. And in less then (I guess a second) she dropped it. Cameron and I stepped back. He looked to a fire extinguisher on the wall. He pulled it off and sprayed the ground until there was with smoke all around us. We coughed until it cleared. The fire was gone. Rebecca was about to run away until Fisher and his crew came in. "Hey, where's the fire?" he paused her.

 His team hand cuffed her and Jason. "I hope she can accessorize an orange jumpsuit." he smirked. Now that was a funny joke. "So I guess there's no more makeup right?" I ask him. "every sprinkle is being removed. "Nice work kid, nailed it." Cameron looked at me. "Not me. Rebecca." fisher rolls his eyes.

 When I get home I notice Liam in the doorway. Crossing his arms. I close the door slowly. I take a deep breathe. "You have every right to be angry." I admit. he nods his head. "And you deserve the truth." I tell him. "But I can't give it to you right now." There was a moment of silence. "Is it him?" Liam squinted. "Cameron? No." I assure him. But in my mind...I think it was. "There's none else, it only been you." "...But I'm not enough?" he muttered. "I'm still figuring out who I am, let alone who I want to be....I can't get married. I'm sorry." I finally tell him. I just couldn't. "Your the most remarkable woman I have ever met ." We look at each other. "And you always will be." I close my eyes from the pain that hurt inside. But Cameron was right. I didn't love him.

  I go outside and sit on the woven bench curled up in a ball. I hear foots steps and see Cameron. He sat next to me. "You know you didn't have to come." "Doesn't mean I have to listen." he smiles at me. "So..." he questioned. there was a pause. "You know me I'm already over it."  I confess. He just looks into my eyes. "How crazy was it, that Rebecca's vision came true?" I didn't say anything. "I guess you can save this in the memory books." he looked at me. "You, Man of Science!" "I stole another one of those skirt steaks before I left." he laughed. We look up at the sky. "The question is...what do I do with this?" he smiled pulling that rock from his jacket pocket. My jaw dropped. "I mean, my hearts still ticking, so I guess it worked." he held it up. It looked more like a gem now. Maybe it saved his life. And I know one guy ONLY elbowed him in the chest, But he isn't fragile. With or out without the stone. But lets just keep it as a good luck charm. "Here, you take it." he glanced at my. I held it between my fingers. I twirl it in my hand. "So it can protect your heart." he smirks kindly. I blush at him and the rock. he bites his lip and looks at the ground.

OMG! I STAYED UP TILL 4:00 IN THE MORNING TO WRITE THAT WHOLE EPISODE DOWN SO YOU BETTER GIVE ME PROPS! Im sorry! I know it was the episode but I couldn't leave to want happened. BTW tomorrow im on vaca till Wednesday so I cant write more on the story till then! But thank you for reading! Ill update on Wednesday! now let me sleep And LOl to the 6 people who readthe 1st part at 3:00 am! Your crazy! Luv u guys!



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