He held my hand back

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 LOL Its so funny how you guys love reading my story! I never knew I could get so much support! All I wanted to do was write a stupid fan fiction! Who knew it would get over thousands of views! GROUP HUG! I'm serious! Hug the computer screen as you read this. Okay Okay no squeezing. I'm so happy people really enjoy this story. Especially after what happened in the finally. It sucked. But at the same time it was awesome? And I know. There is no stitchers without Cameron. And don't worry! Were all in this together till the next season. Which someone has to tell me when is coming up. CAMSTEN IS LIFE! And at the end when the screen went black and all you could hear was a flat line I balled my eyes out! I'm SO SERIOUS! I sat there and cried. And my family was like '...weirdo' I'm sure we all simultaneously cried when we saw this. Again! Were all in this together!



   "Let me." Maggie grabs the chair as Camille gets out of her way. "Why not? Everyone else is." Linus says grumpily. He looks at Camille. Maggie pulls up a picture of the man I saw. "His name is Robert Raviaro. He used to work for the agency." she explained. "He worked for you?" Cameron squinted. "20 years ago, he was a former Marine and sniper. He was hired by, and very close to your mother and father Kirsten." she said looking at me. This was news. "Especially close to your mother." They all looked at me., Although I just stared at the screen.

 -----------Cameron's view------------------

 "So it's not just pressing a bunch of buttons." Camille said. "Right, I mean it's an art as much as a science. You...your taking someone's awareness and moving it through someone else's synapses." I explain. "Why do you think Kirsten is so good at this?" she asked me. "Stitching in?" "Yeah." "I don't know. I mean she definitely has the gift for it. It's like she..." "Was meant to do this." Camille buds in. I nod my head. "When Kirsten stitches in, the digital handshake between her and the stitch system is...perfect. It's like the lab was tuned to her. Her, her brain pattern." "I'm going to guess this was unexpected?" she asked. "Well, yeah. I mean we ran tons of tests on volunteers from different agencies to run into the stitch." "Wait, we had people volunteer to be victims?" she asked shocked. "No,No,no,no,no. They were test subject we used to fill in when there wasn't anybody." I laugh. She nods her head but I can tell she saw no difference in what I said. "Some of the volunteers couldn't stitch at all, or only saw glimpses of memories. Nothing usable but. Then there was Marta." I nod my head. "She was the only one who could do it. She...was the best of them all." Camille looked at me. "But not enough?" Camille tilted her head. I shook my head. "No...but Kirsten. If we could figure out why she is the way she is. Why she's so good at this. We could scale this program, or roll it out worldwide and save, so many lives." I smile. The was a pause in our conversation. Se put her hand on my arm. "I'm really glad I'm apart of this." she smiled. I smile too. "Good." I smirk."Alright, let me show you how these bad boys work." I turn to the  keyboard and turn on the system. "Alright put your hands on these puppies." I order. I put my hands over hers and pull and push the levers. It felt...good. She laughs. "Feel that?" "Yeah." "Residual resistance." I tell her. "Yeah but there's also an attraction. Like its pulling me with it." she smiles. "I know right?" me and Camille laugh until I notice Linus walk up to my desk. "Hey Cameron, could I speak to you for a minuet." he asks. "Yeah sure, just a second." I stall. "...Yeah okay how about now?" he asked a bit impatiently. Probably because I think he was jealous. Not only because  of Me and Camille. I smile at her and back up. "Keep practicing." I shout. "Couldn't stop me if you tried." she mummer. As we walk farther away, I asked. "Is everything okay?" Linus looks back at Camille and then to me. "She's not qualified." he whispers. "The thing at the restraint, made something's very clear to me. One: I need someone to back me up if something happens. And who else is there?" He scratches his head. "Oh yeah, right. Hmmm...let me think, me!? I'm your number 2! I'm the second most senior and I have all the training." he argued. "Yeah, but not for this." "Teach me, your teaching her so teach me! I have PHDs in biometrical engineering and...what more do you need?" " Stitching requires finesse." I sigh. He look at me confused. "But you don't think I have that do you?" he asks frustrated. I was about to say something. "wow." he whispers. Then he walked away. I bite my lip again.

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