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  I sat down on the couch next to Cameron. He took a sip of his water while I secretly was texting Liam. "I'm at work." I told him. I put the phone on vibrate also so if Liam texted me back Cameron wouldn't look at me. And it was the smart move too because I could feel my phone vibrate silently in my hand. I look down at the text. "See you tonight;)." What man sends embodies? I look back at Cameron and smile. Girlfriend does. No happy birthday texts by the way? I mean, I'm not expecting them would be nice. I guess I had already prepared myself to be disappointed because no one has ever knew when my birthday was except Ed and my mother. But I guess Linus does. Yet he didn't tell anyone? This time my phone vibrates for a long time meaning I was getting a call. It was Camille. This time Cameron noticed. "I'm sorry." I mummer. I get up and answer the phone in the kitchen. The first thing I hear out of the call is. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"  but the voice was not from Camille. It was Maggie's. Oh carp, I'm in trouble. "Cameron's sick." I tell her. "I don't care if Cameron is in Idaho! I need you here." "To stitch into another corpse?" I roll my eyes. I tried to keep this conversation quiet but it wasn't working. "Who could I stitch without Cameron?" I whisper. " "All he does is push a few buttons Kirsten." she tells me. I look at Cameron on the couch. "DO I have to?" I sigh. "Yes Kirsten. Everyone relies on you." "What about Cameron?" I ask. "What about Cameron! He doesn't need a babysitter Kirsten!" she says hanging up the phone. Ok now I can see Cameron and Maggie could be twins. "Cameron I have to go." I say leaning over the counter. "Liam, right?" he says under his breathe. I wanted to slap him right now. "No not Liam, Maggie." I say defense full. "Told you I didn't need a babysitter." he smiled at me. I can't help buy grin. I shake my head and grab my car key. "Don't wear that sweatshirt today Ok?" I say before I shut the door. "Ok Considerate Kirsten." He laughs as I walk out. I look down at my phone and scroll through the messages. No happy birthdays'! I actually had to admit. Linus made me feel better even if he didn't know it was my birthday. I go down the elevator and get in my car. This time I time the ride. 14 minuets and 33 seconds to be exact. And I definitely like to be exact.

 I've never gone to work and Cameron wasn't there. It was always normal for him to do the protocol, and ask me if I could hear him. But I knew no one would do that today. Today wasn't going to be a fun birthday I guess. I go down the elevator to the white lab walk in to see no one talking to me. Not even Camille, Linus, or even Maggie. Well actually Maggie was talking to me but I just blanked out into space thinking about if Cameron was ok. "Kirsten?" she asks me. I wake up from my ponder. "Hmm?" I tilt my head.  She rolls her eyes and walks to the tank. "Maddie Shultz. Age 27. Died from 2nd degree burns on her arms and hands. Except there was no fire at her bakery on huntsmen street." explained Camille. "Nice sweater by the way." she smiled. "Thank you?" She looks around the lab. "Alright kids I'm going to try my best Cameron impression." she nods. I walk up into my changing room and get into my suit.  Going back down the steps I look at Camille. At Cameron's desk. His desk was off limits.  "What are you doing." I cross my arms. "Hey stretch." she smiled. I squint at her in annoyance. I climb in the tank while looking at 'Maddie.' She had short, wavy red hair. And her skin looked pale. Its probably because she's dead.

  "Light's at 20% please." said Camille. I wanted to choke her to pause her from doing protocol. That was Cameron's thing. "We all a go, were always a go." Linus looked annoyed too. "I'm with him." I say to Camille. "Ruined it." she huffed. "Alright lets just do this in,3,2,1." she shouted. Hopefully she didn't kill me. I stand in a Bakery. "Ok I'm at the bakery." I look around and see 'Maddie' handing a girl a box of goodies. Oh my God did I really just say goodies? I become more like Cameron everyday. "Ok Maddie's heading to the back." As she walks back I notice a man That seemed to be angry with her. 'Where's my money?' 'Joe, I don't have it yet.'  "Ok, apparently she owes him money for something." I tell Camille. "For?" "I'll have to figure that out." I told her calmly. 'I need it by Wednesday!' he yelled at her. 'Maybe if you paid me more!'  She said as she walked away. "Can you move this to Wednesday night I  ask her. "Uhhh, I don't exactly know how to do that." "This is why we need Cameron here." I growl. "Tell me about it." she murmured. "Ok Linus showed me." she said peppy. "Maybe I could have a reality show about the times I want to choke you." I grit my teeth. "Haha, that's funny. What would the theme song be? What would it be called?" "Camille!" "Ok, ok. I'm doing it." The next thing I now it's Wednesday night and Maddie is at the Bakery all alone. Or so I thought. Because there was someone in the back. "She put on her coat and grabbed her car keys until someone grabbed her neck." I saw the man wrap his hand around her neck as she gasped to breathe. 'Where's my money?' "It's that guy Maddie was talking to earlier. His name is Joe I think?" "Ok Linus is looking it up right now." Camille tells me. All of the sudden, instead of the fight going on I saw Cameron in the stitchers chase. "Cameron!" I yell. Then it went away. "Is everything ok?" Camille asked me confused. He wasn't in the tank, he was in the one where the corpse is suppose to be. I didn't understand. "Uhhh, I, he...I'm sorry I'm bouncing." I tell her putting in my exit pin code. They all look at me now. Usually Cameron would be running up to the tank and ask me what I saw. "What was that all about?" Camille smirked. I shook my head. "I just saw...never mind." I refuse to explain. I climb out of the tank and put the towel around my hair. I get changed out of my suit and into my clothes.

 I go back down the stair to find 75% of or crew there. No Cameron. I pull out my phone, but instead of texting Liam I text Cameron. "Are you still watching Doctor who?" I ask him. I put the phone back into my pocket and look up at Maggie. "I want you to call Fisher, and go downtown to investigate the shop." she tells me. My phone vibrates. I take it out and put my index finger in the air. "No, now I'm watching Grey's anatomy." he replied. "Who watches Grey's Anatomy?" I ask him. "Anyway, how about Camille and Linus go do field work." I suggest to Maggie. She turns around to face Camille and Linus who were eating potato chips watching YouTube videos. "Why do you think I put you and Cameron on field work?" she questions. "I don't know, to make us work overtime without pay?" I smile. "No, because your one of our brightest bulbs." she crosses her arms. "Ok yes, I can see how that is very true but I'm tired. And its my birthday." I sigh. Her face became more sympathetic. "I didn't know it was your birthday, happy birthday!" she smiled. "Thank you, but now can I take the rest of the day off." She nods her head. I felt like skipping to the elevator but instead I just said thank you and walked off. Just then in the elevator I can feel my phone vibrate. Instead this time it was Liam. "Dinner tonight?" I smile at the thought. "I'll be home soon." I text him back. I notice the time was 5:12. Hopefully this time he would actually be taking me out.

13 minuets and 29 seconds is the star time I got home. And every second in that car I tried to pay attention to the minuets. I know I couldn't feel them but, I wanted to. Anyway I pulled up in the driveway and notice the lights were on. Liam practically lived with me because I wanted to l see him so often. Anyway I opened the door and put my key on the key holder. "I'm home." I shout. It sounded like we shared homes although he moved across the street. Liam walked into the hallway and kissed me. "How was work?" "You know the usual nerdy...stuff." I smile. I knew that he wouldn't understand what I do daily. And I knew I could never tell him. "I have something to show you in the back yard." he smiled. "Ok?" I wondered what It was. Wen he opened the back door I could seen that the backyard had lights around the fence. And a happy birthday sign on the side of the house. I knew it wasn't much but it was a lot for me. I thought he didn't know it was my birthday. "Kirsten, in the few weeks I've known you. I know I have met the most Astonishing woman I will ever meet." I can't help but blush. "And I want to make you mine." he smiled as he got down on one knee. He opened a small case from his hand that reviled a dazzling ring. OH no. "Kirsten Clark, will you marry me?" he purposed.

how's it going bros, my name is PEWWWDIE...oh wait that's not my intro. Wait... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH,  for watching this video, if you liked it PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON...IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSSS! and...Wait no that's not it either. Maybe I should make one. Maybe that would be cool. AHahh no guys. Anyway I know your thinking I'm gonna make this try and seem a bit more like what happened in the shw. ANd yes I am because I made Kirsten and Liam not know each other in the beginning, so I'm kinda making up for it since the show is like 10.0000.0000000. x better than this story. But then again I don't want to just repeat everything that happened in the show in the story. Because that's not interesting. So yeah, Liam purposed. Although we all know whats going to happen. "He's going to get punched in the face. I'm also sorryfor making this paraghraoh so long for you to read. Anyway, No I'm gonana make the next few chapter like what happened in the last episode but in another context. I'm also very behind on writing. Alright well thank you for 2.3k Reads and 123 votes and counting. I love reading your comments so... COMMENT ON!



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