Chapter Five

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when I wake up, it's 12:34 p.m, I really needed that sleep. I check my phone and there's two missed calls; one from Kyle and one from Cassi. I text both of them asking what up and they reply, "wanna hang today?" replying, I doze back off.

"Jessika, it's 3:45.. you should really get up." I shoot up and see Kyle laying beside me, "how did you get in here?" he smiles and kisses my cheek, "I thought you were dead or something." I stretch and get up, "you made me coffee? you're so sweet!" I walk into the bathroom and stare at myself. I start thinking about everything, I really like Kyle.. I don't mean friends, I mean... I don't quite know what I mean. but all I know is that I really like him.

I hop into the shower and wash everything and when I get out, Kyle knocks on the door, "I picked out your outfit for today." I look into the mirror and cheese, "thanks Kyle, I appreciate it." when I dry off, I wrap my towel around myself and walk out to see Cassi here too and I just stand there, "errrm, hello Cassi. didn't know you we're here." she smiles and hands me my outfit; a mini black and pink netted skirt and a black Bring Me the Horizon shirt, "are we going somewhere special?" they look at each other and smile. Cassi steps toward me, "just put the clothes on hunn," and winks at me. a sensation is sent through my body when I see that wink and I smile.

after they help me get ready, I get dragged out of the hotel by the two of them. we end up being on a train for four hour and when we step off, Kyle says, "welcome to Bring Me the Horizon's hometown, Sheffield, England." my jaw drops as I begin to feel my stomach develop butterflies. "YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!" I hug them and we start to walk around town.

we get to a mall and start going from store to store. I overhear some girls talking about One Direction and I just ignore them. we walk and I look to my right and see a Baskin Robins. I stop dead in my tracks and run over there, "OHMIGOD." Kyle and Cassi start laughing and Cassi pulls me away, "they're too expensive. let's not eat here." I start pouting and we walk on.

after three hours, it's 11:03 and the mall closes at 11:30 so we leave to catch the next train ride. when we step onto the train, these guys are staring at us. we just sit down and ignore them. I put my earphones in and jam out to Slaves to Substance by Suicide Silence and I drift off to sleep.

Kyle shakes me when it's our stop. I look at my phone, "3:30? oh my goodness... my mom is going to kill me. guys I really have to go, it was nice hanging with you guys!" I start to run back to the hotel but find myself lost. so I call Kyle, no answer. so I call Cassi, no answer. oh no, I HAVE to call mamma. I punch her number in my phone and press call. she picks the phone up and says hello... I can tell she is p.o'ed.

"where the he*l are you Jessika Marie? I've been worried sick." I roll my eyes, "I've been in Sheffield all day with Kyle and C-" she raises her voice worriedly, "WHY ARE YOU OUT OF BREATH? JESSIKA, ARE YOU OKAY?" I interrupt her, "mamma, let me finish. we didn't leave until 11 and it took us four hours to get back. I'm sorry. but I tried to run home and I kind of for lost and I have no idea where I am." mamma hangs up and twenty minutes later, she's here, "how did you know where to find me?" she doesn't speak so I know to not speak. we drive home in silence which is very unusual.

when I get laid down, I start thinking... Kyle has an amazing personality and likes everything I do. Cassi is beautiful and she likes everything I do. they are just perfect people and I think I have feelings for the both of them... I need to tell them right? because if I don't, it'll eat me alive.

I pull my phone out and hit New Message and click on Cassi's name. I start typing, "hey Cassi! I had a blast with you and Kyle today and I was thinking. I really don't want this to ruin our relationship at all, but I need to tell you. I have developed feelings for you... and not the 'friend' feelings. they're more than that. I'm sorry if this ruins our relationship, but I had to get that off of my chest."

two minutes later I get a notification from Facebook, "Blake De Waal commented on your sta..." I click view to see what status he commented on. when I see which one it was, my jaw and heart both drop. I hurry off of Facebook and go to my messages. I didn't send that message to Cassidy...


hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't post this yesterday.. I had to do something and I just didn't have the time. so here you are my squidgy tacos! I hope you guys enjoy and I might not post for a couple days to leave you guys in suspense.(; I can't do that to you guys! ^-^ but please don't forget to comment and vote. I love my squidgy tacos.<3

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