I'm Back!

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A/N: OMG. OMG. OMG. so hey!!! I am back because I got the best idea for the rest of the book. I KNOW I CALLED IT COMPLETE BUT SWEG. omg, I hope you guys and gals like it!!!


~Jessika's POV~

I gasp as I wake abruptly. I look around everywhere to see where I am and spot that I'm on an airplane. I look over and see mamma sleeping peacefully as well as everybody else on the plane. everything finally hits me; I'm on an airplane to London because mamma decided it'd best for us to start fresh with our lives. I look out of my window and see the sun setting; oh what beauty it is. I go onto my iPod and shuffle my music. the first song to play is Therapy by All Time Low and everything floods back: Kyle, those girls bullying me, the conce- wait... that was all a dream. why does it seem so real? I swear all of that happened before, but I've never been to London. this is beyond weird. I shake it all off and quickly fall asleep to Holly (Would You Turn Me On?) by All Time Low.

when I wake up, it's fully dark outside and the attendants are beginning to wake people up, saying we're about to land. I shake mamma until she's fully awake and all I can do is smile. she's not a drug addict, she isn't abusive; she's right here by my side and that's all I ask of her.

when we land, we walk into the terminal and it finally hits me: I'm not in America anymore. I'm not in little hick town where everybody knows everybody. it's the weirdest feeling to ever feel because I now have no friends at all. the only people that understand me are bands now. when I come back to Earth from thinkland, mamma says our cab is waiting outside for us with our luggage already packed in. we head out on our journey to our hotel; The Dorchester. I heard that it's the fanciest hotel around so I'm really excited to see my room! mamma said that she's paying for both of us to have our separate rooms because we tend to fight a lot. I remember this one time we fought, I asked for a cheese toastie. she fought with me because the correct term of a 'cheese toastie' is a 'grilled cheese' but where I'm from, that's what we call them.

once I'm back from thinkland, we're here.... it's absolutely huge. I am left speechless of the size. I see so many people that are very formal and wearing dresses, then there's me; OM&M tank top and black skinnies. when we get inside, I get a lot of stares because of my hair. I just shake it off and walk up to the front desk. mamma gives the guy her information and he hands us the keys to our rooms. turns out, mamma is at the other end of the whole floor which will give me tons of privacy. I am so anxious to see what my room looks like, so I practically drag mamma to the elevator. it seems like it takes forever to get to our floor, but we made it. I fast walk down the hallway until I find my room number. I put the key in the slot and the light turns green.

I turn the knob and push the door open... oh. my. goodness. it is absolutely beautiful. the carpet: tan. the bed: tan comforter, white and brown pillows, king size. the shades: Everest green. side table, two lamps, chair, and leg rest: white. it is absolutely gorgeous. I throw my luggage on the bed and run to the bathroom. walls, floors, counters, stool, bath, and shower: I want to say granite but it's really not. stool cover: brown. mirrors: five. sinks: two. I am stunned at the sight. mamma must have paid her whole life savings and more for just this room; that's how fancy it is.

I begin putting my clothes away, hanging band posters, and making adjustments to the room in my head. what really sucks is that it's 3 A.M here and I'm wide awake because it's only 9 P.M back in Illinois. this time change is really going to kill me; but good thing school is on holiday. when I get done putting everything where I want them, I text mamma saying good night and go to bed.


okie, so the whole time I wrote this chapter, I got a lot of ideas for future chapters... can I just say that there will be quite a few chapters to come?! I hope you guys enjoy the video I linked. :D I love each and every one of you!!!!!!!!<3

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