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My Mother and I were in battle stance, her standing at the kitchen counter as I stood directly in front of her. The granite counters were pristine as she leaned her tailbone against them, her arms crossed. Her eyes were almost a shade of red, but I wasn't cowering. I had my hands on my hips, staring right back at her.

"Aveline, you are going to that therapist. Last night was a catastrophe."

"You weren't supposed to see me like that." I pleaded. She ignored me.

"Is it because I never got you counseling for what happened with y-"

"Don't you dare speak about that." I growled through gritted teeth. She sighed, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Well, it's too late, I already booked your appointment with ken.... Or was it Carl? I can't remember, but you're going."

"Mom." I whined. "Please don't make me go."

"Why? Because you don't want to face what happened?" The words hit me quickly, and we stood there, frozen, looking at each other. She looked so 'matter of fact',  it made me sick.

"I don't want to relive it again." I said, breaking the silence.

"Stop being so scared of it, your Father can't hurt you anymore." She said pulling me into her chest. I was hot with rage, and I definitely didn't care what she had to say.

I pushed her away and ran up to my room, smoke spewing out of my ears.

I pulled out my phone, finding her contact in seconds and putting my phone up to my ear, waiting to hear her voice.


"Stella. Thank god you picked up. She's making me go to therapy because of last night."

She laughed, her crackling smile making me grin.

"She think it has something to do with my Dad."

She stopped laughing then, silence filling our ears.

"Well, does it?" she questioned after a while.

That caught me off guard.

"I don't know, but what does it matter? I'm perfectly fine."

Stella was silent.

"Aveline, I think she might be right. You said it yourself, people use alcohol to escape their own reality."

"It's my body." I said, shocked.

"Yeah, but I know you wish it wasn't," My jaw dropped. "Alcohol's the only thing you can control with your body anymore, especially after everything he did to you."

I didn't speak, I was shocked. She was hacking away at my nerves.

"How... Stella...How do you know all this? What the hell, you've never spoken like this before."

"Just know something: People will touch you much gentler one day."

I paused. "Maybe I don't want anyone to touch me at all."

Stella chuckled, "Valid.... Oh, and how's David? He's a cutie."

"I don't know, Stella," I sighed, "he wants to get... serious."

"Aveline!" She screeched suddenly.


"He's a good guy." She reasoned.

She then puffed out air. "Ave, not every guy is your dad."

Who does she think she is?

"I'm done with this shit." I muttered, hanging up. I was tired of talking about him and feeling attacked. My head was swimming.

I threw my phone to the ground, hugging my knees to my chest on my bed. I hoped and I prayed David would forget about me. You give a guy what he wants and he leaves you alone, that's how it was. Love is imaginary, love is an excuse to take from someone. I couldn't make that mistake again.

I couldn't love him. 




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