Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV
What would you do if your best friend took you to a concert that you didn't really want to go to, and you ended up meeting the love of your life? Well, that's what happened to Laura Marano, but it's not quite a fairytale.
Laura's POV
"Come on Laura, let's go!" Raini yells, takes my hand, and pulls me into her moms car. I sit down in the back seat, her mom in the drivers seat, and Raini in the passenger. I'm about to go to a concert. You might ask, who's playing? Well, R5, which is my best friend Raini's favorite band. "So, Raini, who's your favorite member?" I ask. "How can I choose? But if I had to, probably either Ross or Riker," She says. I smile. "I don't really know them well enough to tell you what mine is." I say. Raini laughs.

We arrive at the venue. A few opening performers, well, perform, and then R5 comes out. I listen to a few of their songs. Wow, they are actually really talented! I thought they would be one of those bands that use way too much auto tune. During their song "Here Comes Forever," Ross looks straight into my eyes. We hold our gazes for about 8 seconds, and then I look away. "LAURA! He looked at you!" Raini says. "It isn't that big of a deal," I say. "Whatever," Raini says, and continues listening to the music.

After the concert, Raini and I decide to just walk around the venue for a little while. What happened today? I mean, why did we look at each other for so long? 8 seconds doesn't seem that long to some people, but it actually is pretty long. "Raini, what do you think about what happened during Here Comes Forever?" I turn to look at her. She's gone. Where did she go? I start to run around, looking for her. I crash into someone, and fall. "I'm so sorry!" He says. I laugh. "It's okay," I say. "Oh my gosh.." I say. "Ross, I am so sorry I crashed into you, I lost my friend and I got really frantic while looking for her and wasn't looking where I was going and-" I say, but he interrupts me. "It's okay, it was also my fault, I wasn't really paying attention," Ross says. I laugh. "So what's your name?" He says. "Laura. Laura Marano," I say. "Laura. I like that name, it's beautiful, like you," He says. I feel my face grow hot. I look down at the floor so he doesn't notice that I'm blushing. "Thank you," I say. "You can stop looking at the floor, I know you're blushing," He says. I laugh and look up at him. "What's your number?" He asks. I write it down on a piece of paper. "Thank you. Hopefully I'll see you around," Ross says. "Yeah, hopefully." I say. "Laura! Where were you? I thought I lost you!" Raini yells and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the venue. I glance back at Ross before I exit, and he smiles at me. I smile back, and then climb into Raini's moms car. I keep daydreaming about what happened with me and Ross, the whole way home. Then, my phone buzzes.
???: Hey Laura, it's Ross.
L: Hi Ross!
R: Hey! So I know this question is kind of creepy, but do you live here in California?
L: Yeah I do! And you do too, right?
R: Yeah! I was hoping you did. Would you like to go out tomorrow night?
L: As like, a date?
R: Yeah, I guess.
L: It's a date!! ❤️❤️
R: I'll pick you up at 8!
L: Ok, I'll give you my address later
R: Okay ☺️
L: Wait, so what are we going to do?
R: It's a surprise 😏
L: Aww!
R: 😂😂😂 but you seem like the type of girl to like what I have planned, so I'm sure you'll love it.
L: I can't wait! I'll see you then!
R: See you then!
--end of convo--
"Laura, what are you smiling so much about?" Raini says. "I have a date tomorrow night," I say. "Really?! With who?!" She says. "Ross," I say. "HANG ON! Ross, as in, Ross Lynch?!" She says. "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!" she screams.
I explain to her what happened while we lost each other. "What time is he picking you up?" she says. "8:00," I say. "I'll be over at your house at 5:30 to help you get ready!" She says. I laugh. "Okay, I'll see you then!" I say. I get out of her car since we arrived at my house. I brush my teeth, put my hair up in a messy bun, put on my pajamas, and climb into my bed. I smile, and then I fall asleep.

That was the first chapter! I really hope you guys like this fanfiction!

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