Chapter 4

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1 year later

Narrator's POV
Ross and Laura have been dating for a year. They are extremely happy together. However, Laura's sister and mom decided to move to a different state. Laura didn't want to leave Ross, so she moved in with Ross' family.
Ross' POV
I wake up with Laura's hands around my waist. She is facing towards me. I start playing with her hair. She opens her eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask. "No," she says, and cuddles closer to me. I wrap my arms around her. She presses her head to my chest. "Babe, should we go downstairs and eat breakfast?" I say. "No. I like cuddling with you," she says. "I do too, but we have to eat sometime. She cuddles closer to me again, so our bodies are pressed together. "Why can't I just cuddle with you forever?" she says. "We'll cuddle until we get hungry, then we'll go and get breakfast." I say and kiss her forehead. She switches positions, so now her back is facing me. I wrap my hands around her stomach. We take in the moment, not talking. "I love you so much," I say. "I love you too," she says. She turns her head to face me. "Do you think we'll actually spend the rest of our lives together? Get married?" she asks. "If we keep going as strong as we are now, I have no doubt," I say. "Do you want kids?" I ask. "One or two," She says. "Me too, boy or girl?" I say. "It doesn't matter, as long as I have them with you," she says. "Well, I'm glad we agree on kids," I say. Then, the door bursts open. "LAURA ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!" someone yells. A boy walks in the room. "JACKSON!" she yells and gets up. I get up also. "Laur, who is this?" I ask. "My ex." she says. "The one who.....?" I say. "Yeah," she says. "Who's this, Laura?" he asks. "My boyfriend. And I actually love him, and he treats me like a princess. Unlike you." I say. "Laura, I can't believe you would cheat on me," Jackson says and grabs her waist, pulling her closer to him. His lips crash to hers. "HEY!" I yell and shove him off of her. "Stay away from me, Jackson." She says.
Laura's POV
I start crying, seeing Jackson again. He just brought back so many terrible memories. "Jackson, look what you did to her. If you try to hurt her, you'll have to go through me first, so go," Ross says. Jackson leaves angrily. I sit down on our bed. Ross sits down next to me. He puts his hand on my knee and wraps his other arm around me. "I'm sorry you had to see him again," He says. I start crying even more. "Laura, what's wrong? He's gone." Ross asks. "It's just-- you care about me so much, and I just don't want him to hurt you," I say and rest my head on his shoulder. "Laur, you are my top priority. I don't care about myself. I want to protect you," He says. "I'm not gonna let you protect only me. Please take care of yourself, or I will," I say. "We'll take care of each other. Always." he says. "Always." I say.

Always is kind of their version of Okay in the fault in our stars 😂 sorry this chapter is kind of short 😁 -rauraaandauslly

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