Chapter 3

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Laura's POV
Ross picks me up from my house at 6:30. He drives me to a house. "Ross, who's house is this?" I ask. "Mine, I figured if your are gonna be my girlfriend you might as well meet my family," Ross says. "Wait, what?" I ask. He gets down on one knee. "Ross--" I say. He opens a box to reveal a necklace of an L and R in the shape of a heart. "Laura Marie Marano, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. "Of course I will," I say and hug him. I pull away after a few seconds. "Now come meet my family." he says, grabs my hand, and leads me inside. His family is in the living room. "Guys, come here," he says. They come into the entry way. Ross wraps an arm around my waist. "This is Laura, my new girlfriend," He says. I smile. "O-M-GEEEE!" his sister yells and hugs me. "It's about time my little bro found love!" She says. "I'm Rydel," she says. I smile. "Nice to meet you," I say. The rest of his family introduce themselves. "Come on," Ross says and leads me upstairs. He brings me into his room. We sit down on his bed. "So, have you had a boyfriend before?" He says. "Not really one that I actually liked. You?" I say. "I haven't had any." he says. "Really?" I ask. "Nope. I guess I was just waiting for the right girl to come along," he says. "Well, I'm happy to be your first girlfriend," I say and kiss him on the cheek. "I love your family," I say. "They kind of get annoying sometimes," he says. "Are you kidding me? You have a perfect family! I only have my mom and my sister that are rarely home," I say. "What about your dad?" he asks. A tear escapes my eye. "He-- uh, left me, my mom, and my sister when I was really little," I say. "Oh my gosh, Laur, I'm so sorry," he says and pulls me into his arms. I hug his waist and cry into his chest. I grab her shoulders and pull her away. I wipe her tears away with my thumb. "I probably look like a mess right now," she says. "Are you kidding me? You look beautiful, you always look beautiful," I say. She smiles. "Look, he probably wasn't think straight when he did that. You are so amazing, beautiful, adorable, kind, and honest, I don't understand why he would ever leave you," He says, cups my face in his hands, and kisses my forehead. "We've been boyfriend and girlfriend for like 2 hours and you've already been the best one I've ever had and probably ever will have," I say. "And you are probably the best girlfriend I will ever have." he says. I smile. "LOVEBIRDS, DINNER IS READY!" Riker yells from downstairs. We take our plates and Ross leads me back upstairs. We climb up to the roof of his house and watch the sunset while eating. "When I first saw you in the crowd that night, call me crazy, but I had this gut feeling that you were the one I would spend the rest of my life with. I know it's kind of weird since we've been dating for like 2 days, but I just know it," he says. I smile. "And what's funny is that I didn't want to go to the concert, and Raini begged me to go, and she said "hey, who knows, you might meet the love of your life," and maybe that is actually true," I say and smile. "Hang on, you didn't want to go to R5's concert?" he asks. "It kind of brought back bad memories of my ex-boyfriend." I say. "What happened?" he asks. "He was in a band..I went to one of his concerts, basically fell in love with him at first sight. We dated for a year and a half, and it was a really serious relationship. But then, he started...abusing me. I ran away from him. And I never saw him since," I say. "Wow...I can't believe you are telling me all of this.." he says. "I didn't even tell Raini about my ex." I say and laugh. "Laur, that guy had to be a jerk to abuse you. I would never do that to you," I say. "Shor, I know this might be weird since, well, we've been dating for two days, but when I say this, I really mean it. I love you." I say.

He smiles.

"I love you too, Laur,"

AWWWW! 😍❤️
There's some drama coming up, so watch out 😏

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