Chapter 5

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Laura's POV
We go downstairs to eat breakfast. "What happened up there?" Stormie asks. "That was Laura's ex...he was kind of mean to her," Ross answers. "He abused me." I say. Everyone's jaw drops. "I'm so sorry.." everyone choruses and forms a hug around me. I start crying. But this wasn't tears of sadness, this was tears of joy. "I'm so lucky to have people who actually care about me," I say and smile. Everyone smiles back. "We love you, Laura, and we are so sorry this happened to you," Stormie says. "Thanks, Stormie," I say and smile. "Are you guys hungry?" Stormie asks. "Yeah," Ross answers. Stormie makes us pancakes, and we eat them. "Thanks for breakfast, Stormie!" I say as Ross and I go upstairs. We get ready for the day. "What do you wanna do today?" Ross asks. "Wanna go on a date?" I ask. "Let's take a couples vacation." He says. "A vacation?" I ask. "Yeah, let's fly to Paris, the city of love," he says stares off in the distance for dramatic effect. "Let's ask your parents, they should say yes, I mean, we're seniors in high school now, we can take care of ourselves." I say. "Yeah, let's do it! But you ask, they probably won't say no to you," He says. I give him a look, and then go downstairs. "Stormie, Mark, can I talk to you guys for a second?" I ask. "Sure!" they say and we sit down at a table. "Ross came up with this idea that Ross and I should take a couples vacation. We want to fly to Paris." I say, "can we go?" They talk for a moment. "Yes, but Riker and his girlfriend Lydia have to come as well. To make sure you guys are okay," Mark says. "YES! Thank you thank you thank you!" I say and hug them. They smile, and then I run upstairs to tell Ross.
I burst into his room. "What did they say?" he asks. I act sad. "They said no.. they don't feel like we are responsible enough yet." I say. "Oh, well maybe--" he says. "JUST KIDDING!" I interrupt him, "they said yes, as long as Riker and Lydia come as well." I say. "YES!" he says and hugs me. I laugh. "I'm gonna go book a hotel right now!" he says and opens his laptop. "How long are we staying?" he asks. "They said two weeks," I say. "Wow!" he says. "This looks like a really nice hotel!" I say, looking at the pictures on his laptop. "Yeah, I'll book two rooms, one for us, and one for Riker and Lydia." he says, "the earliest they have available is two days from now, can we do that?" he asks. "Um, yeah but let me check in with your parents first." I say. "STORMIE!" I yell. She comes upstairs. "Is it ok if we leave two days from today?" I ask. "Sure! I already told Riker and Lydia, they are so excited!" she says. "So are we!" I say. She smiles and leaves Ross' room. "Ok, it's booked! And the price came with food and everything so we don't need to worry about that!" He says. "Yay!" I say. "We're going to Paris!" he says. I smile and hug him. He kisses my forehead.

--two days later--

Ross and I sit next to each other on the plane. It's a silent 8 hour flight, except for a few conversations here and there.

Once we step off of the plane, someone from our hotel greets us. "Bonjour! Please enjoy this limo ride brought to you from the Pullman Paris Tower Eiffel hotel!" she says. "Thank you," I say and smile. She takes our luggage and we ride to our hotel. Once we arrive, we check into our rooms and unpack. It was already 5 pm in Paris. "I'm hungry, wanna order room service?" Ross says. "Why not?" I say.
We order the fish and chips to share. "After this I'm probably going to just go to sleep. I hate jetlag." He says. "Me too," I say and laugh.

Before I lay down on our bed, I smile at the view of the Eiffel Tower through our window. Then, I fall asleep, in Paris.

The City of Love

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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