Chapter 2

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Laura's POV
"Laura, do you know what he has planned?" Raini asks me. "No, he said it was a surprise," I say. "Ugh, what kind of clothes do you have?" she says. I open my closet door for her to see. After about 15 minutes of searching, she finally finally finds something. "Put this on," She says. I put on a mint green skater skirt and a white long sleeved top. I add a gold necklace and some white flats. "It's perfect! Fancy, and casual!" Raini says. I smile. "Okay, now makeup. You should go for a more natural look," she says. She goes through through my makeup bag and find my Naked Basics eyeshadow palette. "You should use the shade Naked 2 all around your eyelid, and then the shade Faint at the crease." She does my makeup. Raini also puts some black liquid eyeliner on my eyelid, and adds mascara. She puts a light pink color on my lips. After that, she braids my hair into a crown braid and straightens the rest of my hair. "You're ready!" She says. I look at the clock. Its 7:59! "Oh my gosh, he's gonna be here any minute!" I say. "Don't worry, I'll answer the door, and you walk downstairs precisely 1 minute and 30 seconds after he walks inside. Okay?" she says. "Okay..." I say. The doorbell rings. She smiles at me and runs downstairs.
Ross' POV
Someone answers the door. "Hi, I'm Raini, Laura's best friend. She'll be down in a minute," she says. "Hi, I'm Ross," I smile. "You can come inside," she says and clears the way for me to step inside Laura's house. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look at the staircase and see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walking down them. I stare at her in awe for at least 10 seconds. "Hi," Laura says. "What? Oh, hi," I say. She laughs. "You look-- flawless," I say. "You look great too," she says. I smile. "Oh, here," I say and hand her a bouquet of red roses. She accepts them. "Thank you, Ross," she says and smiles. "So are you ready to go?" I say. "Yep!" She says. I take her arm in mine and lead her out to the car. "Bye Raini!" she yells before she leaves.
"So where are we going to go?" She asks. "Well, I was thinking we could just drive around, you know, looking at the sights and stuff," he says, "well at least for the first hour or so, and then we'll do something different, which I am not telling you what we are doing yet," he says. I smile. "This date is going to be amazing," I say and smile at him. He smiles back. "So did you enjoy the concert yesterday?" I say. "Why would I not?" she says, "it was amazing," I smile. "What does it feel like? Playing so many cities in such a short amount of time?" She says. "It feels, amazing. And knowing that all of those people are here to see you, it's just amazing, it's really hard to describe." I say. "Look at the city at night, doesn't it look beautiful?" She says, looking out the window. "Well, yeah, but I've seen prettier," I say. "Oh yeah? What's that?" She says and laughs. "Well, it's not really a what, it's a who, and it's the girl sitting next to me right now," I say. "You are so sweet, it's not even funny," she says and smiles.
It's already been an hour, so I decide to take her to the next part of our date. "Now, we are going to the beach!" I say. "I love the beach!" she says. I laugh. I park my car. We start to walk along the shoreline. We walk in silence, and listen to the waves crash on the sand. Our hands accidentally touch. I pull mine away. "Sorry." I say. "It's okay," she says and holds my hand. "I liked it." she says. "So did I." I say.  We smile at each other and continue walking. After a few hours of walking, we walk back to my car and I drive her home. I walk her to her front door. "Thank you so much, Ross, I had a fun time tonight." She says. "So did I." I say, "maybe we can do it again soon," I smile. "We should," she says. We stare into each other's eyes, and then start to lean in. Our lips are centimeters apart, and then the front door opens. "Laura, you're here!" Raini says and smiles at her. "Yeah, I'll be inside later," she says. "Okay!" Raini says and shuts the door. "Where were we?" she says and smiles. We start to lean in again. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me, causing our lips to crash on to each other. She pulls away after a few seconds. "I guess I have to go inside. I'll call you," She says. "Okay, bye," I say and get back in my car. She smiles and walks inside.
Laura's POV
"Thanks for taking care of the house while I was gone, Raini," I say, "you can go home now," "GOOD! I am so tired, goodnight," she says and runs out the door. I laugh. Then, my phone vibrates. It's Ross, he wants to FaceTime me.
(A/N: The speech will be like this because it will be a long conversation and I am too lazy to do the quotation marks and stuff 😂)
R: Hey, Laur. I'm going to call you that now
L: And I'll call you Shor. It rhymes
R: how did you know my middle name?
L: Raini is kind of obsessed with R5
R: And you're not?
L: Well I'm not the type to get obsessed with random things
R: Oh come on, you know you love me
L: Wowww
R: What time is it?
L: 2:04 am
R: Wanna pull an all nighter?
L: Why not?
R: What was your favorite part about tonight?
L: Being with you.
R: Me?
L: Yeah. I mean, we could literally sit down on a couch and watch Netflix all day and it would be the best day ever
R: Aww, Laur
L: What was your favorite part?
R: Also you.
L: You aren't just saying that because I said it right?
R: Are you kidding? I really really like you.
L: You don't love me?
R: It's only the first date. I won't say I love you until I'm absolutely positive I truly mean it.
L: Me too.
Narrator's POV
Ross and Laura talked all night. By the morning, Ross asked her on another date. Of course, she said yes. What she didn't know, is that Ross was going to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Sorry this was a super long chapter, the rest of the chapters won't be this long, unless you guys want them to be! By the way, the picture is what Laura's hair looked like on her date with Ross.

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