A Small Headcanon (not a chapter)

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Headcanons for my story, because why not?? :p

I guess you can say this is a clarification too


Dante Koryu

× He’s 16 years old

× Dante is really fluent in French because he was raised in France

× He works as a waiter in a restaurant somewhere in Paris

× Dante likes to use emoticons like :] , :p , >:D , :> , :3 and others

× He has two homes, one belongs to his parents and one is an apartment he rented. The reason he stays in an apartment because he wants to be closer to the bey stadium (his parent’s house is farther from the stadium) so that every week he can watch bladers battle

× Because he quitted beyblade, he picked up a few activities such as cooking, drawing and crocheting. He likes to crochet pokemon plushies now (yes, he loves pokemon)

× He also tried a few sports because of his competitive spirit, he tried basketball and golf but didn’t end up really well. He was too short for basketball and got really angry because he cannot throw the ball into the hoop, and he has no patience for golf.

× Dante brings Dragon everywhere he goes and doesn’t want to be far from Dragon. He would also talk to Dragon but always forgets that Dragon will not talk back to him but he keeps trying anyway

× The reason he didn’t contact his friends it’s because he lost his phone. He always forgot his phone number and social media password so it’s pretty impossible to contact them :p

× Even though Dante can’t battle anymore, he still likes watching people battle. He also watches his friends battle from the internet, especially Delta. Dante still is a big fan of Delta though

× Dante’s arms have scratches from the last battle with Arthur Peregrine, It just appears suddenly after the battle. The scratches are identical with Dragon’s scratches, reminding him how much Dante hurted Dragon to keep pushing. Dante would wrap his arms with bandages because he doesn’t want anyone to see (because people would overreact and assume that the smol innocent bean is hurting himself even though Dante didn’t even do any such of things)

× Dante may have or may not have a crush on Delta for 4 years (not quite sure about this but it's either a small crush or just really idolize Delta)


Thank you for reading and have a good day :3

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