2 - I'm sorry

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"You wake him up!"

"Niall.. he's your guest!" Louis groaned as he heard whispers in his room.

He opened his eyes and saw two boys by his bed. He blinked a couple of times and was a little confused.

"Who-- oh uh morning?" Louis said. He remembered he moved to New York now and that this wasn't his house.

"S-sorry we just wanted you to wake up so we can go get coffee! We have a surprise for you." Niall smiled, and Louis furrowed his eyebrows. What could they possibly want to surprise him with?

"Hmm, right. Uh, sure I'll have coffee yeah. C-can I use your shower?" he asked, slightly uncomfortable, and Liam nodded.

"Yeah we figured you'd ask so we have a towel and everything in the guest bathroom for you." Liam said, pointing. Louis looked over to the bathroom from his spot on his bed and sure enough they had a towel and washcloth all ready.

"Uh thanks.. thanks a lot actually. I-I feel really bad I just... about all this. And--"

"Louis it's no problem.. I invited you in right?" Niall smiled and Louis smiled too.

"Thanks again.. I-I guess I'll shower." Louis said trying to get them to leave. They both awkwardly nodded and walked out. Louis groaned once the door was closed and eventually got up and showered.


After he showered and got dressed in clean clothes he felt a lot better. Better about moving and he actually realized that he in fact did for real leave everything behind. But it's not like this was a first.

Niall and Liam were already in the living room waiting when he came out of the guest room.

"I'm ready," he smiled little. The two boys nodded and stood up.

"C'mon!" Niall smiled. Louis nodded and followed the boyfriends out the door.

"Li, did you text Harry?" Niall asked once in the elevator.

Harry? Louis thought

"Mhm, yes babe I did." Liam said as he continued to text. They reached the lobby in no time and stepped out. Niall laced his fingers with Liam's. Louis noticed and smiled.

They were quite cute.

He followed the holding hands couple down the street until they reached a coffee shop. Louis yawned as they entered.

He looked around the shop, and could admit it was pretty cute. It just really reminded him of the TV show Friends. That was a good show, he thought. It wasn't until Niall nudged Louis that he realized they were at the table. On the one side was a curly haired boy.

"Here, Li sit next to Harry." Niall said and Liam nodded. They all sat down and Louis smiled slightly at Harry.

"Uh, Louis this is Harry, Harry this is Louis," Liam said. Louis mumbled a 'hello' and Harry smiled wide.

"Hi Louis," Harry said and Louis blushed a bit. He was quite cute.

"Okay, so Louis, Harry needs a room mate and I know you need a place to stay so-"

Harry cut Niall off, "Basically you could move in if you wanted." Harry smiled.

"Uh.." he didn't see the harm in moving in with this curly haired boy. "C-can we talk more about it?" he asked, and Harry nodded.

"Course, yeah. You can come see the place if you want?" he smiled sipping his coffee. Louis nodded.

"Yeah, I want to see it." he stood.

"N-now?" Harry asked. Louis rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Niall and Liam can have their coffee... c'mon." he said. If he was going to get an apartment, he'd want to see it.

"Okay, yeah." Harry stood from the table. Niall smiled at both of them and waved goodbye.


Harry lived only 2 floors up from Niall and Liam, and Louis laughed as they entered the same way they came.

Harry swung open his front door, "Home sweet home." he smiled. Louis stepped in before him and glanced around. The place was very neat, well kept together from first glance.

"Uh.. c'mon I'll show you around." Harry motioned for him to follow, so he did.

"This is the kitchen," Harry said as they entered. Louis looked around. It was also clean in here.

"Nice," Louis commented, and Harry smiled.

"Follow me," Louis knew the apartment wasn't huge and he could probably show himself around but he followed Harry anyways. "This is the gorgeous living room with a flatscreen - courtesy of Niall and Liam." Louis smiled a little at him.

"This couch hasn't been used for sex don't worry." Harry laughed a little. "Yet." he winked. Louis rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Harry are you hitting on me?" Louis smiled. Harry smirked.

"Hmm, maybe."


They finished the "tour" with Harry hitting on Louis each room with sex jokes.. Which Louis would just roll his eyes.

"So? What do you say? You wanna move in with my sexy ass?" he winked as he sat on the couch.

"Yeah, I would." Louis stood in front of him and smiled, Harry rubbed his hands together.

"Good good. Um, obviously you have your own room but you're always welcome in my bed." Harry smiled wide.

"We split rent."

"No, I'll pay full." Harry argued.

"Why'd you want a room mate?" Louis asked and Harry laughed.

"M'kidding! I can't pay rent by myself." Harry smiled again.

"I'll move in now." Louis crossed his arms, trying to be tough but he really wasn't. He was trying to come off as standoffish and that's just what he needed right now.

"Okay, I'll call Liam and you can go get your stuff." Harry stood now.

So they did. He brought up his one bag and all his money.

"Babe, if you seriously need to, you can borrow my clothes."

"Harry, I have enough clothes okay?" Louis sighed as he put away his stuff. Harry was on his bed watching him.

"Okay, okay." he held up his hands. "Just offering fancy pants." Harry stood now and Louis turned to face him.

"Listen, I fucking moved here from absolutely nothing. I don't need your help with anything, Harry. I don't need clothes or money-"

"No! You don't get to yell at me Louis. We've known one another for less that 6 hours and last I fucking checked YOU moved in with ME!" Harry said back. Louis pressed his back to his dresser.

"So don't say 'oh I'm Louis and I'm perfect' No! You're god damn human! And if you can't let me be nice and I don't know maybe call you cute because I think you are then you can move out!" Harry breathed a little too heavy while Louis looked at his green eyes a little too much.

"I-I'm sorry." Just then the ceiling was being pounded on.

"Fuck- sorry Miss Jerold!" Harry called up. She stomped away and Louis sighed.

"No Harry I really am sorry. I'm just-"

"Louis it's fine. Sure your move in day wasn't how I planned but gosh damn you're too gorgeous for me to stay mad at." Harry complimented him and Louis blushed.

"Haven't even known you a day Styles and you want me in your bed." Louis chuckled.

"I'll be waiting when you're ready." he winked and walked out.

And that night when Louis got into bed - his own - he dreamed of that stupid curly haired boy one room down the small hallway.



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