Chapter 49

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      Aman stirred awake, careful not to move the arm that was draped over his wife's waist. He watched her silently. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her bare shoulder was peeking from beneath the covers, and her hair was still tousled from a long night of intimate lovemaking. Priya shifted in her sleep, as Aman removed his arm from around her and sat up. He decided he'd let her sleep in instead of teasing her awake in hopes of having morning sex. Aman got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower. A nice long, hot shower is exactly what he needed right now.

Priya woke up to the sound of the shower running. She turned around and noticed that Aman was nowhere to be found. She blushed thinking about what they had done together last night. Sitting up, she pulled back the covers and wrapped the sheets around herself before getting up and getting dressed. She decided not to wear the fancy sari she'd had on the night before and wear a simpler one instead. It didn't matter to her what she wore. She was just waiting for Aman to finish showering so she could take one.

Aman turned off the water in the shower and reached out for a towel. He heard the gentle sound of bangles clinking together and slight shuffling around the bedroom. It sounded like Priya was awake. He gripped the towel, looking at it, as an idea formed in his mind.

"Priya!" Aman called loudly, hoping she'd hear him.

He paused waiting for an answer.

"Priya!" He called again, increasing the volume of his voice. "I forgot a towel. Can you bring me one please?"

Priya quickly got a towel and walked toward that bathroom. Her hand hovered over the door knob. She cautiously opened the door and faced away as she walked towards the shower.

"H-here," She held out the towel, still facing away from Aman.

He smirked, moving closer to her, but not taking the towel just yet.

"What's wrong, Priya? Can't even bear to look at me now? Even after what we did last night?" Aman teased.

Aman couldn't see her blush. He held onto the towel firmly and then tugged at her wrist, pulling her into the shower with him. Priya gasped when he pushed her up against the shower wall. He threw the towel so that it landed somewhere outside of the shower. He pushed his body up against hers, trapping her.

"Aman" Priya said quietly.

"You know what I regret about last night?" Aman said suddenly.

Priya's eyes shot up and met Aman's, shocked. She didn't regret anything about the beautiful night they spent together. It was perfect.

"I didn't get to see much of this beautiful body of yours." Aman whispered, smirking. Priya gasped when his hands suddenly gripped her waist. She thought back to last night, remembering how dark the room was.

Aman pulled back, looking at Priya. He turned on the water, drenching them both. He kissed her under the water. Priya immediately kissed back, letting Aman easily pin her arms against the shower wall, closing any distance that was between them. Priya felt Aman becoming more restless, more aroused as he kissed her deeper.

"Shower sex," Aman whispered, breaking the kiss. He meant it as a question but it came out as a statement. Now that the idea was in his mind, it was all he could think about.

"I don't know." Priya said unsurely.

Aman nipped at her neck with his lips, enjoying the hot water that showered down on them. Priya's drench skin glistened. His lips met hers again as he slyly slipped the drape of her sari off her shoulder. She wrapper her arms around Aman's neck. Aman's hands her fumbling with the fastening of her blouse. He turned her around, so that her back was against his chest and pulled off her blouse. She instinctively covered herself with her arms as Aman sucked on a spot on her neck, one arm placed around her waist. He turned her around again and kissed her hungrily.

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