Chapter 22

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“Won’t you invite me inside?” asked Rakesh.  

Priya stood there, completely frozen.  She couldn’t think.  Rakesh took a step forward. She automatically stepped back.  He kept walking towards her.  Once inside the mansion, he turned and closed the door.  Memories of last night came flooding back to Priya.  Her breath hitched and she found it difficult for her to breath properly.  

“Priya, don’t think maybe we should finish what we were doing last night?” Rakesh said with malicious tone.  

Priya backed away from him.  She wanted to run away, but she couldn’t. She was paralyzed with a crippling fear that obstructed her rationality.  

“You look beautiful today.” Rakesh said, trying to get under her skin.  His eyes slowly traveled down her body.  He took another step forward.  

Priya didn’t understand. What was Rakesh even doing here?  Thank goodness Payal was out of the house.

“Why are…” Priya managed to say.  She couldn’t continue.  The intensity with which Rakesh was looking at her rendered her speechless.  She hated the way he looked at her.  

“Why am I here?” Rakesh finished her question for her, “Aman invited me.” He continued.  

Aman invited him here? How could he? Well, it’s not like he knew what Rakesh tried to do.  Priya still couldn’t believe it.  

“Rakesh? It’s about time. Everyone else is already here.” Aman’s voice came from behind Priya.  

“Hey Aman! I thought the meeting started at 3:30.” Rakesh replied.  

“Yeah so did I. Everyone just showed up early.” Aman said, “Everyone is in the conference room. It’s down the hall and to the right.”

“Okay, I’ll just join them.” Rakesh said.  Before heading down the hall, he winked at Priya.  

“You look terrified.” Aman pointed out.

“What?” Priya said, surprised that Aman had noticed the effect the Rakesh had on her.  

“You just look..scared.” Aman repeated.  

“No. I’m fine.” Priya said, “I’m just going to go upstairs. Tell me when your meeting is over, okay?” Priya said, turning towards the stairs.  

“Yeah sure thing.” Aman said a little skeptically.  

 Priya rushed upstairs to Aman’s room.  Once there, she closed and locked the door behind her.  She wanted to make sure there was no way Rakesh could corner her and try to talk to her or worse, do something that would scar her for life.  She sat patiently on Aman’s bed, just waiting for his meeting to be over.  After Rakesh left, she would be free to leave.  She felt ridiculous, hiding in Aman’s room like a child running away from her problems.  However, she absolutely did not have the courage to confront Rakesh.  She couldn’t even talk to him! She needed him to leave.  

Priya decided to occupy her mind with some television.  Her mind wasn’t on whatever  she was watching.  She was too busy worrying about Rakesh.  She couldn’t wait til he left!

“Priya? Are you in here?” Aman knocked on the door.  

Priya opened it.  She motioned for Aman to come inside and quickly closed it again.  

“Is your meeting over?” she asked calmly.  

“Yeah, we just finished up.” Aman answered.  

“Did everyone leave?” Priya asked.

“Yeah, Rakesh was the last one. He just left.” Aman answered.  

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