Chapter 50- Epilogue

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4 years later....

Priya entered the grand hall, staring in awe at the beautiful decorations. Various reds and purples adorned the hall, transforming it from bland to fabulous. Payal wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Priya looked at all the people mingling around her, drinks in hand. She searched for Aman, but he was nowhere in sight. A pair of hands covered her eyes. She could feel someone standing behind her.

"Hey there, beautiful." A deep, masculine voice said close to her ear.

Priya smiled, placing her hands over his.

"I'm married." she stated.

Aman frowned.

"I should have figured a pretty woman like you would already be taken. They say that weddings are the perfect places to find dates, but damn, I'm not having any luck." Aman said, taking his hands off of Priya's eyes.

She turned around to face him.

"Maybe you would have had better luck five years ago." Priya said, referring to when they'd gotten married.

Aman grinned. He did get luck five years ago. He leaned in to give his wife a kiss, only to be stopped by her. He gave her a questioning look.

"There are so many people around." Priya said.

Aman rolled his eyes. They've been married for five years, and Priya was still shy about public displays of affection.

"Where's Payal? Shouldn't we be starting soon?" Aman asked.

"She insisted that she come out by herself like an adult, plus she wants all the attention on her." Priya said.

"Of course," Aman chuckled.

"Hey man!" Hiten came up behind Aman, giving him a brief hug.

"Wow, you look like hell." Aman commented.

Hiten looked disheveled to say the least. He was dressed in a nice, designer suit, but his hair was a mess. He had bags under his eyes, and unkempt stubble on his face.

"Thanks, you always know how to make a guy feel special." Hiten replied sarcastically.

"Where's Aditi?" Priya asked.

"With Vishal, they're coming." Hiten answered.

Aditi walked up just then, carrying Vishal in her arms. Vishal was three years old. He was the complete opposite of his father. Hiten was more animated than a toddler, while Vishal was always calm. He rarely made a fuss, and was a quiet child. Aman had assumed that Vishal had taken after Aditi, but he was sure that Hiten would corrupt his son soon. Aditi was dressed in a purple floor length gown. It had a jeweled halter, but was otherwise oversized. Aditi wore it for the comfort. She was seven months pregnant with her and Hiten's second child.

"Wow, such a lady killer!" Aman complimented Vishal, who was actually a very cute toddler.

"Well he did get his looks from the best." Hiten said smugly.

"Yeah, I always knew Aditi's son would be cute." Aman said, smiling.

Hiten's face fell.

"Half of my genes are in Vishal, thank you very much." Hiten replied.

Aman and Priya were in the midst of laughing at Hiten, when Payal had made her grand entrance. Priya turned her attention to her sister, who was walking up to the mandap in grandeur. She had on a gold and red lehenga. Rajiv was waiting at the mandap, his jaw dropped in awe. Priya watched as her sister met Rajiv on the mandap. She immediately started chatting with him animatedly. He obliged by listening closely. The priest interrupted them asking if he can commence with the ceremony. The guests started laughing.

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