Chapter 9

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“Priya, let’s talk.” Aman suggested.

            Priya gave Aman a questioning look.  He walked over to the sofa, where Priya was seated.  He sat down beside her and took her hand in his. 

            “We’re married,” he said, stroking the wedding ring that adorned Priya’s finger, “and we don’t even know each other, so let’s talk.”

            “Okay. Let’s talk.” Priya answered with a smile.  She was genuinely curious about her husband.  She only knew basic details about Aman, only what was required to be known to fix their alliance.  She wished to know his views and his opinions, his likes and dislikes, and more about his past, but didn’t feel it was right to raise any questions.  She felt relieved when Aman suggested that they talk to get to know each other better. 

            “So what was your life like in India before we got married?” asked Aman.

            “I woke up in the morning and made everyone breakfast.  I usually visited the temple before going to class.  I’d come home and study and spend time with Ma and Payal. And that’s it.” Replied Priya.

            “Wow. You cooked. No wonder.” Said Aman, referring to Priya’s large breakfast spread.  Priya’s lifestyle perplexed Aman.  She was the daughter of such a renowned and wealthy businessman, but lived such a simple life.  His lavish lifestyle was full of luxury.  Priya was completely his opposite. 

            “What did you study?” Aman continued with the questions. 

            “Politics and Sanskrit,” answered Priya.  Priya began to fiddle with the end of her sari.  She was becoming impatient. She wondered when Aman would give her a chance to ask him questions. 

            “And any boyfriends?” Aman continued. 

            Priya looked down.  She was not expecting Aman to ask about her love life.  She was raised with a traditional background.  Though her father was a forward thinking man, he never made an effort to establish rules about dating or boys.  Priya, however, always believed that dating was unnecessary in a society dominated by arranged marriages.  There was a boy in one of her classes that she had fancied.  She’d even befriended him, but never let the relationship go any further than that.  She decided it best to withhold this information from Aman.

            “No. I never had any boyfriends.” Answered Priya quietly.  Aman was unexpectedly relieved. Before Priya answered his question, Aman felt a creeping sense of jealousy overcoming him.  He knew he shouldn’t have any inhibitions about Priya’s past, but he couldn’t help but feel possessive over her.  The thought of her being with another man in her past didn’t sit well with him.   Aman smiled to himself, knowing that Priya was his and only his. 

            “And you? Any girlfriends?” asked Priya.

            Aman’s smiled immediately faded.  He should’ve known that his question would come back to bite him.  He hesitated for a moment.  Should he tell Priya about his promiscuous ways or the dozens of girls that have walked into and out of his life?  He couldn’t tell her he hadn’t had any girlfriends. That would be an outright lie.  However, he couldn’t exactly tell her the truth. 

            “Yes,” Aman replied, “I’ve had girlfriends before.”

            He watched Priya’s expression.  She looked visibly saddened by his response but did a good job at trying to conceal her dismay.  He was surprised she didn’t push any further, prompting him to explain his past relationships. 

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