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A/N: KIK ME! Angelsare1D xoxo ill make you smile :D

Golden gate bridge,

Disney land park,

The Tar pits,

Ocean Beach. Been there done that. Boring. Why am I being such a bitch? Oh Yea that's right I'm a wreck. He hadn't even looked at me last night. My wolf was on edge and it was bugging me. He hated me. I don't know what to do. I could ask some questions? Yea, I'll do that. "Jacob? Why are you so worried about the rouges?" I asked. Already knowing the answer. "Amelia..." He said testing the boundaries. I let him go on as my wolf calmed at him saying my name. "If they get you I will do many unmentionable unforgettable things..." He said cutting off short. "Tell me about your past" I say his whole body froze. If I didn't know any better I'd think he would be hiding something... "My father died when I was 12. I took position of Alpha when I was 16, my mother was the alpha female for those years. What else is there to know?" He asked himself more than asking me. "Let's play truth or dare!" I say jumping out of the car as he pulled into the parking space running up to the apartment room. We sat on the bed and started with me asking Jacob questions. "Truth or dare!?" I say like a two year old kid. "Umm truth?" He replies cautiously. "Ummmm, would you ever kiss a llama!?" I asked starting it off with a kick. "Hahaha ummm NO!" He replied. "Not even for money!?" I ask pretending to be shocked. "No the only thing I'm kissing is in front of me!" He says as I quickly move to make him face the lamp. "Yep, hey there lamp, you look a bit bright today!" He says winking at it and 'dipping' the lamp. "Okay, is it weird if I got jealous of that lamp!?" I ask with a serious tone. He acts quick and pushes me onto the bed and starts tickling me like no tomorrow. "STOP!" I shout and kick him. "Ok but your turn, truth or dare?" He asks with a raspy voice that makes me think of chocolate icing on cake. I don't know. I was hungry I guess? Anyway. "... Truth..." I say having him lose his vicious grin that was plastered on his face two seconds ago. After a minute he asked me my question. "What encouraged you to stop?" He asked with a sad voice. "Well I haven't, really stopped, but I haven't recently cut either so.." I say with a slow speed. "Stop, please. Your life is to valuable. I love you!" He said pulling me into a hug. I melted in his arms. Like butter in a hot pan. It was like our bodies were two jigsaw puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. "Truth or dare" I said after a short moment of our cuddle. "Truth" he said. "How did he die?" I asked regretting it as soon as the words left my mouth. He tensed. "Rouges, they came from all angles and he tried protecting us, he couldn't save us all." He said tearing up. "Who couldn't he save?" I asked knowing I should shut up but I couldn't.

Jacobs P.O.V


They were everywhere. We were out having a family picnic. All we wanted was family time. My Dad tried holding them back. My sister and I had run with rouges on our tails, I hadn't shifted yet but Annabelle had. She hid me in a hollow tree. I heard screams and pushed back further into my 'safe house'. After an hour my mother found me. We headed home thinking Annabelle had escaped and headed home to warn the other pack members. We heard a horrifying scream. We ran to it. Annabelle. They had her. Mum being a natural mother went to attack when she was knocked backwards. Dad had pushed her away and was attacking when three rouges disappeared with my sister. Mum was wounded, I was unhifted and Dad was fighting. Claws, teeth and snarls everywhere. When SNAP. A howl was let out and rouges were running out of the woods like their last day was today. Dad, on the floor. Lifeless. What do I do? Run. To the pack house. I got the pack doctor and my mother and father were taken back to the pack hospital. Mum woke up 2 days later. Dad woke up. Never.... Since that day I had killed so many rouges. To many to count. In hope that my sister is alive and to bring vengeance on my fathers death.

Amity's P.O.V

"Jacob?" I ask after a minute or two. "Can we not talk about it, to many memories and you may hate me after what happened." He said standing up and storming out. Every part of me was telling me to follow him, to comfort him. I thought it would be easier and better to stay put.


Ok sorry fellow readers! I've been really busy! Family drama and then being the middle of year 10 I have a lot of assignments due. Thanks for bearing with me! Really truly sorry!

On the plus side! Over 200 readers! WOOHOO!!!! Looking for new characters and names!

Amity meets a lost relative(need a name)

Jacob introduces Amity to parents and family (need four names)

A bunch of drama and action. Basically I need about 6-7 names! Please be kind as to at least do this!

So comment



Hair and eye colour-

If you'd rather human or werewolf-

A brief description-

Xoxoxo thank you for the patience once again!!!

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