Chapter 2: The Faithful Encounter

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~ Annaliese's Point of View ~
"Oh my God that was so embarrassing.", I could feel the blood rushing to my face, "That was the first time he saw me and I acted so uncool.", my imagination ran wild as I thought of different impressions he had of me,  in contrast with how hot my face felt I was having cold sweats all over my body, but all of that went away when I caught sight of my dream school.

"It's so beautiful.", I said trying my best to hold back the tears, "I can't believe i'm finally here.", upon reaching the gate a group of students greeted me.

"Welcome to Gayle Arts High School!!!", they cheerfully greeted.

I was stunned with the beautiful faces that welcomed me, one person handed a map to the school, another one gave me a loot bag with the name of the school printed in it, "Thank you." , I said in reply and walked inside the school grounds. Instead of going straight to the classroom I decided to take a look around.

"The school is more beautiful than I thought, i'll never get tired waking up to this everyday.", in each corner that i turned I was welcomed with the fresh scent of flowers and a picturesque view of the beautiful school buildings, i was practically in heaven right now, out of excitement I accidentally dropped the loot bag that was given to me a while ago.

"Crap.", I said to myself as I swiftly collected my things, as I picked up the last item a shadow towered over me, I raised my head and to my surprise there he was, Dylan Lee, he was right in front of me, I had no idea he attended the same school.

"Do you need help?", he asked, while his best friend who was right beside him held a video camera in his hand, "Are you okay?", he asked once more.

"I...I am..I...", I stuttered, I was lost for words with the sight of him, as I stood up I swung the loot bag up in the air and if things could not get any worse, the loot bag landed in Dylan's nether areas, I hit him in his balls.

"Ugh...ouch!!!", he groaned, "I was just trying to help you meanie.", the next thing you know he was on the ground curled up like a little flower. From behind I could hear his friend laughing and some students who were around.

"Oohhhh...that's gotta hurt Dyl!", a boy from afar cooed.

"I am so sorry, it was an accident.", I started panicking while his friend kept on laughing, "Please do something."

"Is this how you greet people you just met?", he asked as he started to pick himself up, "And will you please stop laughing Louis, you punk."

His friend, apparently named Louis kept on laughing, "Sorry, it's way too funny dude.", as he kept on laughing Dylan suddenly hit him in the ball, "Ouch!!! Really?!? Did you really have to do that?"

"I really am sorry.", I kept on saying, I tried to help him up but he insisted he was okay.

"Please back away before you do any more damage.", he said as he batted my hand away.

I did what he said and backed away, I decided to introduce myself, "By the way i'm...."

"Nobody cares about your goddamn name.", he said as he stood up.

"Dylan.", his friend said with a stern voice, "Not cool."

"Tsk. So fucking annoying.", he glared at me and walked away.

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