Chapter 3

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On with this chapter...


I woke up at 7:40am. I quickly put on a shirt and a jacket, with black leggings. I put my hair in a French Braid, grabbed my small bag of belongings, and headed out of the girls room. I went outside and saw that Will was already in front of the castle. He turned around, and I smiled a little.

"Are you ready for today?" I asked.

"No," Will said. I chuckled.

"Well. I don't think Halt will murder you in your sleep. Your his apprentice. And I don't think your allowed to murder your apprentices," I said to Will.

He rolled his eyes. "Yea... I don't think I'm worried about Halt. I think I'm worried about you," Will said.

I gasped. "Well, so much for being your friend. I can take care of myself. So you shouldn't be worried. If anything, I will be better than you," I said. I looked around and sure enough, Halt was walking over here. Good, then I won't be bored anymore.

Halt walked up to Will and I."Well, better get going," he said. I just nodded my head. Halt turned around and started walking. I followed in hot persuit. Will right behind me.

/\<Skip to Halt's cabin>/\

We finally got to Halt's magnificent cabin. I heard a horse neigh. Halt walked up the stairs and opened the door to the cabin. The door squeaked. Why would he want it squeaky? I walked in through the door, Will right behind me. Halt pointed to a door, "Lily, this will be your room," he pointed to a door by my room, "and this will be your room Will." I nodded, and walked into my room. The door squeaked. Seriously? Squeaky doors? Huh?

I set my bag on my bed. There was something wrapped in a cloak. On it was a note.

It read:    This is what you will wear during training.

                   You won't have to wear the cloak tomorrow. I will tell you

                  when to wear the cloak.

                                                    Signed,   Halt.

Sweet! I already got weapons. And I already know how to use some weapons so, this shouldn't be too hard. To bad Rangers can't have swords. My father taught me how to use a sword, and an axe. I taught myself how to use the bow. Yet, I haven't used one in years. So.. I might be clumsy. Though, I like the fact that I already know more about weapons than Will.

I walked out of my room, the door squeaking as it opened and closed. Halt was at the table, coffee in hand. Yum! Coffee is the best. When you live in Skandia, and your a kid, you do get to try some things. Like how you can have a little ale when your 12 years old. And how you can try coffee when your 8 years old. Ever since I tried coffee, Ininstantly became in love with it.

And I'm guessing that your not supposed to have tried coffee yet. So... I'll need to try it, and look like I love it. Which won't be too hard considering I already love coffee. "Hey Halt. Are w-" I was cut off by Halt.

"Hay is for horses," he said chuckling. I glared at him. He motioned me to go on.

"Are we going to do anything today?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. Well start tomorrow. So you can get used to the cabin. Find out where everything is. Look at your Ranger materials. And do whatever you want to do today. Just be back before midnight."

"Got it. And also. Why can't Ranger's have swords?" I asked.

"Well. Only one Ranger has a sword in the corps. But that's because his dad was a knight. And cause a sword isn't a Ranger's weapon," he explained.

"Ok... It's just not fair! I want to learn how to use a sword," I said. Even though I already know how to use a sword. I mean seriously, my dad taught me. Halt raised his eyebrow. I sighed, "ok! Fine! You caught me! I already know how to use a sword. So.... Can I have one now," I said hopefully.

"How did you learn how to use a sword?" Halt asked.

"Uhhh... I would seek out at night, go into the forest. And practice on a tree with a stick," I said making up a lie.

"Your lying," Halt said.

"What?! No!" I yelled. He raised both eyebrows this time.

"It's true. That's what I would do. Why don't we go get a sword, and I'll show you what I know. How 'bout that," I said.

"Ok. And if you know nothing, you won't get to have a sword. And if you do, I'll let you have one. Ok?" He asked, holding out a hand.

"Deal." I said, firmly shaking his hand. I smiled.

"Let's go," Halt said standing up.

"Wait. What? Now?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Yup."

"Ok," I said. I followed Halt to the door. Oh yea. I forgot about Will. Oh well.

Skip to when they got to the BattleSchool. Yes. They went to the BattleSchool because there's swords there, and because practice dummies were their too. And I am feeling lazy today, so I'm gonna be using skips to make it quicker. Ok? Ok.

When we finally got to the BattleSchool, the field was empty. We went inside the field. I found a sword lying on the ground and I picked it up. I tested its balance, and looked at Halt. "Do you think that they even have some balanced swords?" I asked.

"It's only practice. I don't think they will give out balanced swords for practice," he said.

I nodded, "You do have a point," and walked with the sword to a practice dummy.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked. I turned around. Sir Rodney was walking twoards Halt and I.

"We made a bet," Halt said.

"What kind of bet?"  Sir Rodney asked.

"That if I could show Halt that I know how to use a sword, I can have one as a Ranger. And if I can't use a sword, than I don't get one. He thinks I can't use a sword, but I know I can," I said.

Sir Rodney nodded his head, "Ok. But im gonna watch this. I mean, it's not often you see a girl using a sword, right Halt?" Sir Rodney asked. Halt nodded his head and guestered for me to go on. I gripped the hilt of the sword.

I hesitated and asked, "How come you don't have any balanced swords Sir Rodney?" Halt raised both of his eyebrows.

"Just continue!" Halt yelled.

"Woah. I'm gonna do it. It was only a question though," I said. Halt glared at me. "Ok. Ok. Ok. I'm going." I gripped the sword. And started doing a series of strokes. Uppercut, backhand, side, and so on... This was easy. I stopped. Turned around, and saw a surprised look on Halt, and Sir Rodney's faces.

"I won," I said.

Halt nodded. "Very well. I will get you a sword. You know, it'll be nice having two Rangers able to use swords." Halt and I walked back to the cabin. I walked into my room, Ignoring the squeaks coming out of the door, and jumped on top of my bed, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

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