Star Stones Of The Zodiac

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Aries- Red Jasper

Taurus- Rose Quartz (You lucky bastard you)

Gemini-Black Onyx

Cancer- Carnelian

Leo- Tiger Eye

Virgo- Lapis Lazuli

Libra- Jade

Scorpio- Rhodonite

Sagittarius- Sodalite

Capricorn- Snowflake Obsidian

Aquarius- Blue Lace Agate

Pisces- Amethyst

When I was typing this, the thing that came into my mind was Steven Universe (the reason why I said that to Taurus. Peace) I was so-so with mine being Lapis, I like her and her personality and not to mention her water wings, so sad that she went down with Jasper though. I loved her line 'I'm done of being everyone's prisoner, now you're my prisoner and I'm never letting you go!" she's a brave one. Sacrificing and everything. I wish I get to see her more.

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