Aries- 'Are you the sun because damn your frickin' hot'
Taurus- 'I'd give up sweets if I could have a piece of that ass'
Gemini- 'You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop'
Cancer- 'Love me I'm cute'
Leo- 'We would take such cute couple selfies' *wink wink*
Virgo- 'You're perfect and amazing and you seem really cool and we should talk more and now I'm rambling just make out with me'
Libra- 'If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd pud U and I togenther'
Scorpio- 'You're hot let's fuck'
Sagittarius- 'Hi'
Capricorn- 'Shut up and kiss me. Please.'
Aquarius- 'You plus me sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g'
Pisces- 'Do you like cuddling?'