Stratford's Finest: 1(Justin Bieber fan-fic)

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Justin's POV

"You can't run from me forever Michael!"

My face was burning, my breathing uneven.. and I was pissed. Then right before he reached the lake I tackled him. "You thought you could run from me and I wouldn't catch you?"

"Wait please I promise I'll get the money I swear", cried Michael shaking out of his skin.

"I gave you time Michael and you still failed."

I heard my boys stumble through the woods as they caught up to me. I whipped my gun out from behind me pointing it right between Michael's eyes.

They became as big as golf balls staring right at me, all I could do was smile. 

"It's a shame I really don't wanna kill you. You're a good worker."

"Please don't I'll get the money, I....."

I cut him off. "shut the fuck up!" and with that I pulled the trigger. My last words being. "Say hi to satan for me." Then I turned to my boys D, Nick, Shaun, and Logan. "Did you slow asses bring the body bag?"

"Yeah we got it."

The they loaded Michael's body into the bag. 

"Alright on three we drop him into the river."

"Yeah we got it", they said in unison.

"Okay 1, 2, 3," and he was sinking. "Let;'s get back to the car.

Once we reached the house we began to replay the events of tonight. "Did you see his face? He looked like a deer in headlights."

"I know I thought he was about to piss his pants."

Just as I was about to talk my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. "Unknown".

"Hello?" I heard an unknown voice on the other line.

"You're not such a good murderer are you Bieber?"

"Who is this and how'd you get my number?"

"These aren't the right questions you should be asking right now are they? Maybe you'd like to know what I saw?" It was a girl voice and judging by her tone I could tell she was enjoying this.

"What the hell do you mean what you saw?" I was becoming agitated with her now.

She began to laugh "Justin you used to be the baddest in town but now you're done."

I was fuming. "Listen here bitch if you're trying to play a joke it's not working. I'm not that gullible. So next time you wanna play a prank don't waste your breath calling me." With that I hung up. Then I heard Nick call from the other side of the room.

"Bro, who was that?"

"Just some prank caller." Although I didn't believe that myself. "Well guys I'm going to bed." I went upstairs and stripped to my boxers then went to sleep.

********Comment let me know what you think***********************


All chapters aren't this short but I had this story written down already and it was longer on paper but this is how it happened to be.

Stratford's Finest: 1(Justin Bieber fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now