Chapter 2

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Justin's POV

The next morning I awoke to my alarm clock ringing. Throwing it across the room I got out of bed and put on a plain t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans. Then I made my way out of the house to head to my parents. When I got in the car something immediately caught my attention.

"What is that smell?" I began to check my car when something caught my eyes. 

A body.

Not just a body but Michael's body. It was in my back seat eyes wide open dead. I burst out of the car only to find a note on my back window.

"Told you I saw what you did." *E.J.*

Crumpling up the note I ran back into the house furious. "You amateur son of a bitches get down here!" I heard footsteps then spotted 4 boys emerge downstairs.

"What are you bitching about now?"

'Why don't you go out to my car and find out."" I watched as they crossed the room to the door. About 2 minutes later they came back pale faced and confused.

"who the hell brought that?" Blurted out D.

"I don't know exactly."

"What do you mean you don't know exactly?"

"Remember the call I got last night. Well......."

"Wait do you mean the 'prank call'? Blasted Logan putting emphasis on prank call.

"Well apparently but who could it be? It was a girl on the phone, no girl gang comes within miles of us."

"Wait a minute a girl called? She must be a dumb ass to mess with us."

"Well obviously they don't play I mean I have an alarm on my car." Then I pulled my keys out to make sure my alarm was set last night. I furiously rubbed my face thinking of a plan.

"Maybe we should go after them and show them who's in charge."

"How when we don't know who they are dumb.....ass", I retaliated. Just as I was about to talk again my phone rang. Again the number said unknown. I slammed my finger hard on the answer button and nearly dropped my phone.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I can have you dead in minutes!"

Again the same girl was on the other line. "You know Justin I wish you would have stayed out at your car a little longer. Seeing your face was priceless."

"What do you mean seeing my face?"

"Yeah, I mean I'm still here waiting for you. Plus I have two others in your house."

My body became tense.

"By the way my partners said you look sexy when you're just waking up."

My face fell. I clutched my phone and ran upstairs ignoring my boys calls. When I opened my door I saw two feminine figures. 

One on my bed and the other by my dresser. 

I couldn't make out faces due to their masks but I knew that was them. Right when I reached for my gun a swift hand grabbed it first and pinned me against the wall. 

Then a smooth whispering voice came in my ear. "You don't want to do that Mr.Bieber." 

Furious I flipped them over which was useless due to their acrobatic skills. When I charged for them they were too fast. I was tripped and thrown to the ground. A hand went into my pocket. 

I grabbed the wrist and twisted it then brought them under me in a straddle. Before I could unmask her the other girl kicked me in the head causing me to fall to the side.

Before I could get up they gracefully went out of my window. 

"Shit!" Immediately I ran downstairs.

"Bro, what happened?"

I paced back and forth before I stopped and reached into my pocket. It was a small black card. On it read:

"Black Diamonds"


"What is that?" 

"Who sent it?"

"What was all that noise?"

"Just shut the fuck up and," I burst out. "D go get the lap top."


"Just do it. Who ever this is means business and I'm not going after them without knowing who they are."

When D came back with the computer I instantly took it from him and opened up google. I felt the boys linger over my shoulders as I typed "Black Diamonds" in the search bar. 

Apparently from what popped up they were hardcore criminals tied to several deaths, assaults, vandalism, and terroristic acts. As I pulled up page after page I found a picture of who I suspected to be the leader.

She was one of the worlds most wanted criminals. She was always known to have done a crime but there was never enough evidence and people were too scared to testify against her. So the cops were always forced to drop the charges. She was a bad ass.

I had to end her. 

Eventually a voice brought me from my thoughts. It was Logan.

"So is that them?" He pointed to a picture of five girls wearing Purple and Black in mug shots.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Then what's the plan?"

I glanced at the number on the card. "I guess we call" I picked up my phone and dialed the number. I put the phone on speaker for us all to hear.

"Hey Justin I've been expecting your call."

"Listen bitch cut the crap. What do you want?"

"Why would you think I want something?"

"Look here I don't have time for this. I can end you before you know what hit you." Of course I wasn't quite sure about those words since she liked to play hide and go seek.

"Justin hasn't your mom ever told you not to pick on girls?"

"You must have a death wish."

Ha Justin you're a very funny guy. You don't even know when you're being watched. Although let me lift your spirit. Why don't we meet."

Having no choice I agreed. "Fine when and where?"

"Tonight 12:00 a.m in the main part of the construction site on 5th and Main."

"What ever."

"See you sexy." With that she hung up.

I replayed the plan to the guys and they were excited to get some action.

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this was the first book I ever wrote I just never put it online.

Stratford's Finest: 1(Justin Bieber fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now