The Journey

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  The cool night air hit Mika's face like the feels, but the cool air didn't bother him because the cold never bothered him anyway.  Mika didn't exactly know where to go, but his gut told him that Yuu was somewhere nearby. 

Mika ran stealthy past abandon buildings and civilizations that were once filled with people. The whole world was turned into a jungle of overgrown weeds, and vegetation. No one would've guessed that vampires, and a random sickness would be the cause of the end of the world.

Mika approached a hospital, and had a feeling Yuu was inside because of the battle that happened days before. Yuu had gone berserk during the battle, and a weird demon-like disease had overtaken him known as the Seraph. Yuu most likely had no memory of the incident.

  After the incident Yuu was pretty beat up, and Mika could've helped him. But the Moon Demon Company members had cared for Yuu, leaving Mika to watch. Mika didn't mind it too much, but he did mind that fact that they were all humans, and the purple haired one known as Shinoa was getting all touchy with his man. Mika had a feeling that Shinoa was a bitch. Mika was pretty good at reading people. To Mika, all humans, except Yuu, were bitches.

  Mika approached to the front door of the hospital, and saw no one was inside the lobby, so he snuck in past the front desk, and into the first hallway. As Mika quietly begun walking down the hallway he heard footsteps behind him. He saw the people who were helping Yuu during the battle, the people from his little team. The group entered a room, which must've been Yuu's, and as they entered he saw Shinoa walk out. She was blushing.

  Mika held himself back from bursting out from the shadows, and hurting her because he knew it would hurt Yuu if his friend got hurt, even though Mika believed that he was the only friend Yuu needed. Mika waited patiently for the right time to go into the room to rescue Yuu from the filthy humans.

  About an hour later Mika saw the last of the visitors exit the room.  Slowly Mika got up from his hiding spot, behind a bed in the hallway, and entered the room.  Mika locked the door behind him, so that no one else would enter.

  Then Mika saw Yuu sitting up in the bed. He made direct eye contact with Mika. Breathlessly, Yuu pushed his covers off, and got out of bed. He embraced Mika in a hug. Tears of joy started to fall down Yuu's cheeks.

"Mika," Yuu whimpered. "I should've gone with you. I should've listened!"

"Yuu, it's ok," Mika smiled into Yuu's shoulder, "I'm here to take you back with me now."

"Mika, are you sure? I mean I know I just said I should've gone with you, but I don't know if I can leave.." Yuu said as he backed up from the hug, wiping his tears.

"Your new team?" Mika said feeling betrayed.

"No I mean."

"Then what is it then? Huh? You want to stay with these humans?! I came all the way out here for you, Yuu! I miss you!"


"Yuu, I love you, and I always will. I want to be with you forever and.. And.."

Mika was stopped because Yuu grabbed Mika, and kissed him. He needed to shut Mika up. Mika was ruining the sweet reunion, and Yuu had already made up his mind. Yuu wrapped his arms around Mika, and they continued to kiss.

Yuu lifted his head up from the kiss, and whispered in Mika's ear,"Shut up. You burst in here looking all innocent, and you expect me not to kiss you. I miss you too. And I miss your body."

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