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Mika's POV---

Shakily, I opened the top of the vial. The metallic smell of the blood (I originally put crimson liquid lmao why) filled my nostrils. My lips parted and I closed my eyes. A part of me was screaming at me not to drink it. Telling me that I would be better off dead. Another part was screaming at me to live.

I listened to that half.

I held the vial up to my mouth breathing in the smell. I tilted my head back and began to pour the liquid onto my tongue. The blood was warm. I closed my mouth. I pushed the blood around in my mouth getting used to the taste. It tasted like something I've always needed. I've always pushed it away, but it felt nice to give in.

I poured the rest of the blood into my mouth and threw the vial. The glass vial smashed against the wall. I was surprised at how close the wall was.

My tongue throbbed for more blood, and my stomach growled. The pains in my body began to dull after just a little bit of the blood. I wondered what it would be like after drinking a whole person. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to think about that, but it felt instinctual.

Suddenly the door flew open. My eyes adjusted to the tall shadows. The two vampires before me were Lacus and Reene.

I looked up at them as they stood over me.

"Get up," Lacus snarled.

I tried to get up, but my legs were still too weak. The two of them acknowledged my struggle and harshly pulled me up off the floor.

They dragged me out of the cell, and lead me down the hallway. I grimaced at the bright light. We stopped once we approached another cell, but this cell had bars in the front. They two of them let go of my arms, and I dropped to the floor. I peered into the cell.

I blinked a couple of times before my eyes adjusted to the scene. Yuu was sitting in the middle of bodies. Bodies of livestock. Bodies of children. Yuu had blood covering his face and clothes. A small cry escaped my mouth, and I covered it with my hand.

Yuu turned and looked at me with defeated eyes. 

"I am so sorry," He kept repeating. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm weak." 

"Yuu-chan," I gasped as I reached into the cell.

He held his bloodied hand out to mine. 

"It's going to be alright," I said through tears.

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