Hey babe I'm going out to look for a job ok. Ok but becareful, both of you, he said and kissed my stomach and me. Okay we will.
I went to go pick up Ivanna from her apartment, cause her a Jaime wanted to be together. Ivanna hurry up we got to to look for a job. Okay I'm coming, I'm coming. Okay let's go. Dame Ivanna your getting big fast. Ik its crazy right, that's no fair your barly showing. I know now stop whining. Hey sweet frog need a couple of workers let cheak it out Lilly. Okay
*time skip*
Um can we speak to the manager please. Yea he'll be right out. Okay thanks. Hi I'm the manager how can I help you. Well me and my friend here are looking for a job and we saw you sign. Yes well we do, do you guys have and job experience. No we don't sorry. Okay why don't you tell me why you really want the job. Well I need the job cause I'm having a baby and I'm living with my soon to be mother in law and husband, so I thought since I'm living their might as well help out. Okay now you. Well me and my soon to be husband (Jaime finally proposed) just moved in a apartment and were having a child as well. And he goes away on tour some times, so I need to take care of our baby.
Well here's a paper I will need you phone numbers and names. I will have to think about it then I'll contact you. Okay but if you take me you have to take my best friend, I said. Okay I'll keep that in mind. Oh and just so you know sir me and my best friend here we come here almost everyday. Okay ill keep that in mind also, but for now you guys can get some frozen yogurt, its on me. Okay thanks.
Ivanna I'm getting the big cup, and filling it to the top. Oh my gosh Lilly you sure can eat alot and that adorable little baby in their, but you don't get big. Well my secret it working out when ever I can and eating healthy, but junk food when ever I really really want it.
*time skip*
*ring,ring* hello is this lillanna rojas. Yes it is and who's speaking? The manager for sweet frog,wel o gave it long thought and I will love for you and Ivanna to work at my store. Okay yeah thanks so much sir, when do we start. You guys will start next week but for part time. Ok thanks.
Hey Ivanna guess who was that. I don't know who? Are new boss. Really we got the job. Yeah we start next week but only part time. Okay can you take me home my baby is killing me. Yeah we're almost their.