Hey Lilly can I tell you something but you can't tell Jaime. Ok course what happened. Well after the club well you know and yesterday I went to the hospital cause i wasnt felling good, and the doctor said that I'm pregnant. OMG that is good new I'm gonna be a aunt I'm so happy for you. Thanks well I'm glad I told you, ima go back swimming. Ok.
Hey babe come here I wanna tell you something. Okay what happened. Come closer, closer. Okay but I don't fell so good so don't do nothing stupid. Okay well I just wanted a kiss that's all. Okay then. While we kissed I feel his hands grab my wrists and someone grab my ankles. Nat, Jaime but me now this instant. Okay if you want. They drop me in the pool and I go up gasping for air again. I'm gonna kill you two. Oh no your not. Ivanna let me go I don't wanna hurt you. I'll only let you go if you don't kill them. Fine, she let me go and I got out the pool.
I go in side and slam the door. I fell something coming up my throat, so I run to the bathroom. I put my hair up so the throw up wont get in it. I take a shower and I get watermelon for everyone. Lill I love you. I love you to, but if you ever do that to me I will hurt you. Okay point taken. We were talking and laughing at our story's all day. Hey Ivanna and Jaime you could get my brothers room the door that's open. Okay thanks. Well I'm going to sleep I don't fell so good. Okay good night, sleep well. They all Said, and nat followed me to my room. We layed down, he was holding me so i put my head on his chest and fell asleep.
I wake up with nat gone and people laughing, so I gho see what it is. Hey guys what's all the noise for? Well I gonna be a dad, Jaime said with a wide grin. Well I'm happy for, but if you. And before I could finish my sentence I run to the bathroom and throw up some more, good thing my hair was still up.
*knock, knock* come in. Lill are you all right you dont look so good. Yeah I'm fine, I said with a weak smile. Okay let's go back to bed since we're the only ones up. Okay, we go to my room and lay down. I'm so happy for Jaime he's gonna have a kid, I wish I could have one? I would take care and love it with all my heart. Lill I can't wait till we have a kid. Well I'm only 17 and I still have to finish high school and go to college. But I know you will make a wonderful father.