Nat I'm hungry! My mom brought food for your cravings today. Okay I'm going to see what she got. While I walked down the hall I realized I missed living here, I missed my friends. I opened the freezer and grabbed rocky road ice cream. And went to the living room to watch TV, I watching stay and stomach has hurting worse that normal. So I went to the bathroom and screamed. Lill are you alright? What happened? My water broke I need to go to the hospital now. Okay I'll get u your sandals.
*at the hospital*
Ms. Rojas were going to give you a shot that will stop some of the pain. Okay but will it hurt my baby. No, it won't. Okay. When they gave me the shot I think I passed out. When I woke up I saw nat asleep in the chair next to me. I got my phone it was 5:39 so, texted Ivanna to bring me make up and to come see baby, also jesus, joseph,and Chris to come over. *knock,knock* come in. Good morning ms. Rojas would you like to see your baby. Yes I would love to. Nat wake up their bringing baby in. Ok I'm going to the bathroom. When he went to the bathroom a couple minutes later they brought baby in. Here's your baby if you need anything press that button next to you. Lilly is that baby doll? Yeah it is nat she's beautiful. Yeah she is she looks just like you my love.
Here nat hold her? No I don't wanna drop her. You won't trust me okay. I passed baby to nat, I could tell he was scared and happy at the same time. Lilly look she has my nose, he said laughing. Yeah she does, and she has your wavy hair.
*Nathan's pov*
When Lilly said baby had my hair I chuckled a bit, and looked down at my daughter. Lilly look she's opening her eyes. Their hazel, and big, Hi baby I'm your daddy, I whispered. I'm going to do what ever I can tyo make sure your safe no matter what I promise. I but my hand to hold baby's little hand, she was holding my finger.
*time skip*
Knock, knock, come in. How's my beautiful best friend. Well Ivanna hello and I'm doing good. OMG IS THAT BABY, she screamed. Yeah now shut up your going to wake her. Damon say hi to your cousin. Damon looked at baby and started laughing, it was so cute. Hi Lilly how are you, I heard some one say. So I looked at the door and saw Chris and jesus standing their smiling. Well I'm doing good, but are you going to stand their or are you going to see baby.