Nat, nat where are you help I'm scared. Lill I'm coming just don't go under. Hurry nat, I felt someone grab my ankel. Nat help, I scream. I'm coming. I try kicking and kicking but I can't go back up to get air. Leave her alone, nat said. You gonna kill her, she's drowning. I don't care she deserves it, for ever breaking my heart now I gonna hurt yours. Chris let her breath please I'll do anything.
Fine but leave her and never come back. Fine just let me say bye. Fine. I come up gasping for air, nat. Lill I have to go ima miss you so much. Wait where are you going, you can't just leave me like this. I'm sorry but I don't love you, I never wanna see you again. Nat please don't do this to me, I said while crying. I HATE YOU LILLANNA, he scram and went to his car and drove off. All I could do is fall on the floor and cry.
Lilly I'm sorry I didn't know he would do that. Chris I hate you I never wanna see you again, you tried to kill me, and now you broke me and nat up. I started to run, where ever my feet take me.
*time skip*
I finally look up,I noticed I was a the park. I was cold from Chris drowning me to death. I went to the middle of the grass field, and cried some more. I can't believe he said that to me, why though? All kinds of questions were on my mind. Then I get a text from Ivanna.
Her: hey beautiful where are you I'm at your house
Me: I'm at the park
Her: ima call you so hold up
*ring, ring* so why are you at the park. Well I, I wanna tell you in person. Okay but are you crying lilly cause if you are ima kill someone. Just get here please. Okay
So what happened Lilly why are you crying? Well when I woke up I noticed i was on Chris's shoulder, and he throw me in a lake and tried to drown me to death. And out of nowhere nat tells me he has to go and he never loved me. So I start to cry and he tells me he hates me. I'm so sorry Lilly.
Lilly wake up. What happened and why and I wet. Well you were sweating and screaming. Really I'm so sorry I didn't know. It's fine were you having a bad dream. Yeah well ima shower I still don't feel so good.
I went to shower when I got out I sat down to eat breakfast. Hey Ivanna so what did you cook for my tummy. Well I made bacon, eggs, and French toast. Yummy I'm starving. Here you go. Thanks, I said while stuffing my face. This is so good I didn't know you could cook. Well I can and stop talking with out mouth full its gross. Hey Ivanna do you like see food. Yeah. Okay look ahhh, I said and opened my mouth so she could see my chewed up food. Eww Lilly that's gross. I swallowed my food, well you said you like see food. Yeah but not that kind.

The Unexpected
Fiksi Penggemarhey guys its part two of "why you" hope you guys like it