Jones Water CO.

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                                                                                               (Serena's P.O.V)

                I grunt in frustration as I lift my satchel over my shoulder. Terra should have caught up by now. Hopefully she didn't run into another Reek. I "glup" at the thought of the creature spitting its acid in her eyes causing her to go blind. Or worse, swooping down and biting one of her ear lobes and completely ripping it off. I shake my head "You can't think like that Serena, you wouldn't let anything like that happen to her on your watch." It then accrued to me that Terra might have gone back to the room. I wipe ashes off of my pants and head over West.
               Not here either. Damn it Terra where the hell are you? I dumped out the supplies I had found on metal table in the room. The supplies included about 5 feet of rope, a piece of wooden board, a bag of brand new peppermint tea, two and a half bottles of water (score) and a pack of 41 wrapped Starburst (although it was more like 36 now). I sigh and get ready to head back out to look for Terra, when I then I hear footsteps. More like someone (or something running.) I quickly dash across the room to duck behind one of the frozen beds.
              I position myself  as the door bursts open. Terra stumbles in looking around and behind her as if someone was chasing her. I let out a sigh of relief "Terr-" I start to say, but was interrupted by a tall ginger in a black hoodie, black pants, and all black Chuck Taylor converses. he burst in shortly after Terra also looking around while lifting up his hands. "Look I won't harm you if you just stay still and answer my questions." "SCREW YOUR QUESTIONS!" She screamed headed towards the back of the room towards a window as the boy chased after her.
             I've had enough. I soundlessly sprint back across the room the clutch onto the wooden board I had found earlier. Terra had made it just to the window sill when the boy caught up and lifted her body pulling her backwards. She struggled as she kicked and cursed. I run up behind him and before I knew it he was smacked face down into my "bed". Terra drops down to the floor staring up towards to me then him then back to me. "Well shit," I say as I gasp for air "That was easy."

             After about 20 minutes the red haired boy regained consciousness. We had tied his hands above his head and tied his feet in place with the rope I had found. He had blinked and looked around noticing that he was in a large bed like tube. "Let me go" He said calm but still an angry tone obvious in voice. "Not until you tell us who you are." I say frowning. He rolled his eyes "What's it to you people what my name is? You never ask your other victims what THEIR names are before you gut them right in front of their families." I stare taken aback. I turn to Terra "What the hell is this guy talking about?" "No idea." She shook her head. She turned towards the bed talking grimly "Listen ass wipe if you don't tell us who you are in the next 3 minutes, we're gonna do much worse then just tie you up." "Right," He smirked in amusement "Cause this is one of the worse things you could have possibly done to me." "Wise ass" Terra mumbled under her breath as she kicked the bed. "Easy," I say to her in an unbending tone "I sleep in this."
             "Look all we're asking for is your name." I say as calmly as possible.
             I guess he appreciated that because he sighed and said a bit annoyed "Ash Jones."
             "Ash Jones." I repeat "Does your family by any chance own the Jones water company?" I curiously.
             "That's the one, Jones Water! Quenching the thirst of a family near you!" He said sarcastically "Why do you guys care about that?"
             I shrug "Just curious as all." I turn back to Terra. "I think we can let him go." I say with confidence. It still didn't seem to convince Terra though "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? May I remind you that this fucktard tried to kill 23 minutes ago!!"
            "I know, I know but he could be somewhat useful to us. The Jones company doesn't just own water, they also own hardware stores, and a big art exhibit. He could have excess to all this stuff and give as more water and weapon supplies." I whispered. Terra frowned and shook her head "What if he doesn't?" She whispered back "Are you really willing risking to take that chance?"
           "The food and water here isn't gonna last forever Terra. He also might know ways around this place so we can also get more stuff to eat." Terra just stares at me suspiciously "Is this really about the supplies? Or do you just wanna let him out because he's cute?" I hear Ash give out a laugh from behind me.
           "WHAT?!" I say loudly "No! What the hell Terra!?" I said in a hushed tone
           She laughed entertained "Hey I'm just asking, I always knew you secretly had a thing for red heads."
           "Shut up," I say feeling a blush creep into my cheeks "So do you agree with me or not?"
           Her face then turns serious again "I don't know... I just think-"
           "Hey! I'd really hate to break up a sister and/or bestie conversation but I think my hands are starting to go numb, and I know your going to let me go sooner or later soooo.. Mind getting me out of this at home tanning bed?"

          "Thanks love" Ash said as Terra and I hand him some tea and Starburst, He was clearly enjoying this. "Now I said that to both of you, no need to fight over who I said to." Terra scowled obviously holding herself back from punching the day lights out of this guy. I rolled eyes "Look carrot top, the only reason we decided to let you out was so you can get donate more supplies to us." I said maturely. He took a long sip of his tea before answering back. "And uh, Who said I would do anything above the lines?" He asked poised.
             Terra groaned in irritation "Because if you don't," Terra walked over setting the pocket knife against his throat "We won't hesitate to silt your throat in two seconds flat." He glared back at Terra's smiling face "So now the tables are turned" She laughed.
            "I guess so" He uttered under his breath as he looked down to stick the Starbursts in his right pocket. He stood up ignoring Terra who was still holding the knife in defense. He stretched out his arms and let out a lazy yawn "Well, I guess it can't be helped. Besides you guys CLEARLY aren't part of the fallen ones so I'm sure it's fine."
            "That sounded like an insult." I scowled
           "It wasn't really" Ash said as he started to head towards the window.
            I turned towards Terra in amusement "Since when did you get so tough?"
        She smiled in response "I learned it from my sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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