chapter 14 girl problems

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Brianna's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and my stomach was in so much pain. I got up and went into the bathroom and pulled down my pants I groaned once I saw what was here I said "great". I did my stuff washed my hands and tried to go back to sleep. But that wasn't happening I was tossing and turning all night.

Then at 6 someone came in and said "time to get up princess." I groaned in so much pain and said "I can't go to school today." uncle Niall said "what's wrong?" I said " I don't feel well I have really bad cramps." He said "oh I'll go get your father." He left and I went back to sleep a couple mintues later someone was shaking me lightly I slowly opened my eyes and saw my father he said "Hey bug what's wrong? I said " I have my period and it's bad this time like I can't even move." He said "can you walk?" I said "no it hurts to much."He sighed and said "fine you can stay home from school but someone always has to be  with you at all time got it." I said "ok." He then went down stairs and called the school I went back to sleep then I woke up and watched some tv.

Then uncle Liam came up and said "we are off to the studio 5SOS is coming to watch you okay?" I said "okay but my dad does realize that I'm 14 right?" uncle Liam said "yeah but he just wants to keep you safe and he doesn't want anything to happen to you and doesn't want you to do anything to your self."I sighed and said "okay."

Then he kissed my head and left a couple mintues later I heard yelling from down stairs and I knew it was the 5SOS boys they came up bring me chocolate and all the other stuff I need. I said "thanks you guys, you guys are the best." They said "no problem anything for you."

Then Uncle Ashton said "so what's up with you and that guy." I said "Lucas." He said "yeah him." I said "we're dating we've been dating for a while now." Uncle Luke said "is he treating you right?" I said"yeah but I haven't seen him out of school in a while." Uncle Michael said "did your father catch you doing the dirty?" I said "not in person but we were doing it over the phone."  Uncle Calum said "even worse you could get into trouble with that too." I said "I already did with my father he grounded me for 6 weeks." Ashton said "at least you learned your leasson." I said "yup."

Then we watched movies all day they got me lunch and we ate and watched my favorite tv show One tree hill. Then at 3 my friends shout from downstairs "BRIANNA WE HAVE YOUR WORK FROM SCHOOL!!!"I shouted back "CALUM'S COMING!!!"I looked at Uncle Calum and gave him my best puppy dog eyes he said "I hate you." I smiled at him and said "you love me." He said "yeah yeah yeah."

He headed downstairs and my friends left I started doing all the work I had to do once I was done we watched more movies.

Then at about 6 they got dinner for me we ate and watched horro movies then someone threw a little rock at my window I got up and it was Lucas I smiled at him and opened the window he asked "is your dad home?" I said "no but my other uncles are here." He said "5SOS?" I said "yeah." He said "oh I was going to sneak you out." I said "I would have gotten in so much trouble." He said "but wouldn't it be wroth it?" I said "yeah and I would have let you come in here." He said "but people are home so you can't do that." I said "I know if they weren't here You could." He smiled at me and said "smooth." I smiled back,Uncle Luke said "who are you talking too?" I lied and said "no one." He came over and saw Lucas and said "oh I see he was going to sneak into your bedroom." He smriked at me I blushed and said "no he was going to sneak me out but he can't now knowing you guys are here and I did suggest him coming in here but you guys are here so he can't ." He said "and knowing how much trouble you would be in." I said "I know." I said bye to Lucas and he left then I contuide watching movies and I fell asleep.

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